Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia Test | Final Test - Easy

Jean Sasson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia Test | Final Test - Easy

Jean Sasson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the nurse learn about Sultana regarding this story?
(a) She did not want to help the girl.
(b) She would tell her father about this girl.
(c) She could do nothing to stop it.
(d) She would do all she could to stop it.

2. What did her husband quickly do?
(a) Had her tortured.
(b) Divorced her.
(c) Sent her away.
(d) Killed her.

3. Why did Sultana's mother-in-law make amends with Sultana?
(a) She did not want a scandal.
(b) She did not want to lose her son's affection.
(c) She realized she liked Sultana.
(d) She feared Sultana's family.

4. Sultana was told a story by one of the nurses about another girl staying in the maternity ward. This girl had been raped by whom?
(a) Visitors to her home.
(b) Strangers.
(c) Several of her brothers.
(d) Servants.

5. Ali told his father he wanted to marry. Why?
(a) He wanted children.
(b) He wanted a virtuous Saudi woman in his life.
(c) He ws lonely.
(d) He was in love.

6. Sultana and Kareem planned to have their baby out of the country where the health care was better. Why did this not happen?
(a) Sultana was very ill during her pregnancy.
(b) They were delayed so long that they were no longer able to travel.
(c) They decided to build a suite instead.
(d) They did not have the money to leave the country.

7. What news reached Sara and Sultana?
(a) Their brother's death.
(b) Their father's death.
(c) The prime minister's death.
(d) The king's death.

8. That same night, what did Sultana learn?
(a) Her father was ill.
(b) Sara would be getting married.
(c) She would marry a much older man.
(d) Her father had found a husband for her.

9. Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait when?
(a) Early 1990.
(b) Early 1992.
(c) Late 1989.
(d) Late 1990.

10. What did Sultana tell Ali he could never know for sure?
(a) If his wife was pure.
(b) If his wife loved him.
(c) If his wife could have children.
(d) If the children his wife had were his.

11. What happened to the girl as a result of this encounter?
(a) She contracted a disease.
(b) She commited suicide.
(c) She became pregnant.
(d) She was tortured.

12. Why did American soldiers join the refugees?
(a) To protect the refugees.
(b) To keep Saddam from invading Saudi Arabia as well.
(c) To find Saddam.
(d) To learn more about the Kuwaitis.

13. What did Sultana threaten to do?
(a) Kill herself.
(b) Kill his mother.
(c) Return to her father's home.
(d) Divorce Kareem.

14. Sultana learned she was pregnant and decided to do what?
(a) Have the baby in the United States.
(b) Have the baby at home.
(c) Give the baby up for adoption.
(d) Have an abortion.

15. The illness left Sultana in danger, so she underwent what surgery?
(a) Cosmetic surgery.
(b) Breast implantation.
(c) A double mastectomy.
(d) Sterilization.

Short Answer Questions

1. Father was _____________ at Sultana's attempted sabotage.

2. Why did Sultana decide to do this when she found she was pregnant?

3. In the first few days, Kareem refused to do what?

4. What was Sara expecting while they were on vacation?

5. What rumor was spreading about one woman?

(see the answer keys)

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