The Princess Bride Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Princess Bride Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Inigo finally sees the Count face to face, what does he say?
(a) "I have been looking for you since the day you killed my father. Prepare to die by the sword of Inigo Montoya."
(b) "Hello. You do not remember me. I am the son of Domingo Montoya. Prepare to die."
(c) "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
(d) "You are not worthy to live. Today you shall die at the hands of Inigo Montoya."

2. What happens to Westley when the miracle pill stops working?
(a) He forgets where he is.
(b) He falls dead, but then opens his eyes.
(c) He begins to cry.
(d) He completely regains his strength.

3. After Fezzik and Inigo reunite, the fencer plots revenge against the Count and requires what from the Man in Black?
(a) His pirate ship.
(b) His inside knowledge of the castle grounds.
(c) His planning and leadership.
(d) His batallion of soldiers.

4. When Yellin refuses to give up the gate key, Fezzik threatens to do what?
(a) Rip off his arms.
(b) Punch him in the face.
(c) Tie him to a tree.
(d) Throw him into the moat.

5. With Inigo in pursuit of the Count, who has escaped through a door the Spaniard can't open, how does Fezzik assist?
(a) Finds another passage.
(b) Blocks off the Count's escape route.
(c) Breaks down the door.
(d) Encourages Inigo with rhymes.

6. As Fezzik and Inigo start to descend into the Zoo's second level, why is the Spaniard scared?
(a) He may find the Count here.
(b) Giant spiderwebs are everywhere.
(c) They run into the albino.
(d) Fezzik is frightened.

7. Goldman claims that when he did the abridgment, he discovered what?
(a) His father failed to mention that Humperdinck and Westley end up dueling.
(b) The four friends would have outrun the Brute Squad if it weren't for a series of unfortunate events.
(c) Inigo dies from his wounds and Fezzik sails away to Greenland.
(d) The book actually ends with the four friends captured and imprisoned.

8. Goldman's father always concluded with the words "And they lived happily ever after" at what point in the story?
(a) Right after Buttercup's and Westley's pledge.
(b) After Buttercup and Westley bid their new friends farewell.
(c) After the birth of Buttercup's and Westley's child.
(d) Right after Buttercup and Westley safely reach the Revenge.

9. When Buttercup has a nightmare about her own birth, what does the midwife say in her dream?
(a) Buttercup killed Westley.
(b) The baby is heartless.
(c) Buttercup is evil.
(d) The baby is dead.

10. After using the torture machine on Westley for the first time, the Count asks how he feels. How does Westley respond?
(a) Coughs.
(b) Faints.
(c) Laughs like a madman.
(d) Cries like a baby.

11. Why is Buttercup extremely calm right before her wedding?
(a) The Prince has drugged her.
(b) She doesn't realize the wedding is coming right up.
(c) She has developed an escape plan.
(d) She knows Westley will save her.

12. Alone and defeated, where does Inigo go after he recalls the advice of Vizzini?
(a) Zoo of Death.
(b) Thieves Quarter.
(c) Miracle Max's house.
(d) Florin Castle.

13. How does Fezzik get rid of the noisy brute who's trying to trick Inigo?
(a) Bonks him on the head.
(b) Fights him and wins.
(c) Tricks him into thinking the Prince sent for him.
(d) Pushes him off the wall.

14. Who taunts Fezzik after he is separated from Inigo and finds Vizzini dead?
(a) The Man in Black.
(b) Village boys.
(c) Town girls.
(d) The Count.

15. How does Inigo react when he finds the Man in Black dead?
(a) Attacks the albino and his assistants.
(b) Starts tearing the zoo down.
(c) Wallows in despair before formulating a plan.
(d) Tries to revive him using the machine.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Buttercup tell Humperdinck that if she must marry him, she will surely be dead by morning?

2. When the Prince offers to send his four fastest ships in search of Westley's ship, what does he say each ship will carry?

3. When Fezzik regains consciousness, what does he struggle to remember?

4. At the Zoo, how do Fezzik and Inigo get past the green-handled door?

5. What happens as soon as the miracle pill passes down Westley's throat?

(see the answer keys)

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