The Princess Bride Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Princess Bride Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who fishes Buttercup out of Florin Channel?
(a) The Spaniard.
(b) The pirate.
(c) The Swede.
(d) The Turk.

2. Fezzik is the size of a typical man by the time he is in:
(a) Fifth grade.
(b) Third grade.
(c) Kindergarten.
(d) Diapers.

3. How old is Inigo when the six-fingered man kills his father?
(a) Seven.
(b) Ten.
(c) Twelve.
(d) Fifteen.

4. How does Vizzini try to outsmart the Man in Black?
(a) By poisoning the cheese.
(b) By coming up with a better rhyme.
(c) By distracting him.
(d) By speaking in another language.

5. What does Westley do during the year he spends with the Dread Pirate Roberts?
(a) Learns to fence, hand fight, and sail.
(b) Learns to cook and clean.
(c) Writes a book about the pirate.
(d) Writes poetry about love and beauty.

6. As the kidnappers start climbing the Cliffs of Insanity, what happens to the boat?
(a) It sinks.
(b) It's captured by pirates.
(c) It drifts away.
(d) It crashes into the rocks and is destroyed.

7. When Buttercup awakens in the bottom of a boat, who is there with her?
(a) A Spaniard, a dwarf, and a Swede.
(b) The Dread Pirate Roberts.
(c) A Sicilian, a Spaniard, and a giant.
(d) The Count and the Countess.

8. How does the Man in Black win the fight against Fezzik?
(a) By poisoning him.
(b) By moving so quickly that the giant tires and falls asleep.
(c) By coming up with a better rhyme.
(d) By taking him by the throat.

9. Why is Westley leaving for America?
(a) He was invited to travel to America with the Countess.
(b) He wants to seek his fortune to build a life for himself and Buttercup.
(c) He is tired of being abused and wishes to start over in America.
(d) Buttercup has broken his heart.

10. What happens to Fezzik in the middle of Greenland?
(a) He is attacked by a band of thieves.
(b) The circus fires him.
(c) His best friend abandons him.
(d) His girlfriend dumps him.

11. When Humperdinck reaches the Cliffs of Insanity and studies the climbing marks on the side of the cliff, what does he order his Armada to do?
(a) Divide.
(b) Attack.
(c) Retreat.
(d) Stay.

12. As Westley prepares to leave for America, what does Buttercup promise?
(a) She will wait for him and never love another.
(b) She will never speak to him again.
(c) She will find the Countess and kill her.
(d) She will start taking better care of her hygiene.

13. At the Cliffs of Insanity, who climbs the sheer cliff walls towards Buttercup and her abductors?
(a) The Albino.
(b) Man in Black.
(c) Prince Humperdinck.
(d) Inigo Montoya.

14. Why are other girls NOT talking to Buttercup when she turns sixteen?
(a) They think she's ugly.
(b) She's too stuck up.
(c) She smells bad.
(d) They are jealous of her.

15. When the boat reaches the Cliffs of Insanity, what does the Spaniard note?
(a) Someone's following them.
(b) The Count had given different orders.
(c) Buttercup is missing.
(d) They have no drinking water left.

Short Answer Questions

1. The initials R.O.U.S. stand for what?

2. How does young Buttercup like spending most of her time?

3. Who is William Goldman?

4. How does the Sicilian want Fezzik to finish off the Man in Black?

5. How long does it take Inigo's father to create the special item requested by the six-fingered man?

(see the answer keys)

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