The Princess Bride Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Princess Bride Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Sicilian do when he reaches the top of the Cliffs of Insanity?
(a) Unties the rope.
(b) Utters a prayer of thanks.
(c) Fires off a flare.
(d) Pushes the Swede over the edge.

2. What childhood ideals did the author see slipping away from his life?
(a) High adventure and true love.
(b) Family life and loyalty.
(c) Chivalry and treating others as yourself.
(d) Honesty and integrity.

3. What is the purpose of the Zoo of Death?
(a) To house animals for Humperdinck's eating pleasure.
(b) To use as a public torture chamber for the prince's betrayers.
(c) To use as a secret prison for enemy spies.
(d) To house animals for Humperdinck's hunting pleasure.

4. As the kidnappers start climbing the Cliffs of Insanity, what happens to the boat?
(a) It sinks.
(b) It's captured by pirates.
(c) It drifts away.
(d) It crashes into the rocks and is destroyed.

5. Whenever Buttercup commands the farm boy, he always answers what?
(a) No problem.
(b) As you wish.
(c) Of course.
(d) Yes, ma'am.

6. What is the name of Westley's pirate ship?
(a) Courage.
(b) Red Dread.
(c) Black Pearl.
(d) Revenge.

7. How many years does Inigo spend learning how to fence?
(a) Five.
(b) Fifteen.
(c) Ten.
(d) Two.

8. Short and stocky, Prince Humperdinck walks like a what?
(a) Gorilla.
(b) Crab.
(c) Cat.
(d) Flamingo.

9. The Man in Black challenges Vizzini to a battle of what?
(a) Speed.
(b) Strength.
(c) Wits.
(d) Endurance.

10. What did the author realize about the manner in which his relative shared the story with him?
(a) The delivery was overly theatrical.
(b) Kept only the action parts.
(c) Recited it by memory.
(d) Made up most of it.

11. While the author's family was in New York, where was he?
(a) Wisconsin.
(b) California.
(c) New Mexico.
(d) Texas.

12. When the author was a child in 1941, what happened to him?
(a) Polio.
(b) Pneumonia.
(c) Bike accident.
(d) Near drowning.

13. Why does the Queen speak for the King?
(a) The people love and respect her more.
(b) She has never allowed him to speak his mind.
(c) He lost his tongue in battle.
(d) He mumbles and only she can understand him sometimes.

14. As Westley prepares to leave for America, what does Buttercup promise?
(a) She will wait for him and never love another.
(b) She will never speak to him again.
(c) She will find the Countess and kill her.
(d) She will start taking better care of her hygiene.

15. At the Cliffs of Insanity, who climbs the sheer cliff walls towards Buttercup and her abductors?
(a) Inigo Montoya.
(b) Prince Humperdinck.
(c) Man in Black.
(d) The Albino.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Roberts takes Westley aside to explain that he is not the real Dread Pirate Roberts, what does he say about the original Roberts?

2. Discouraged because he can't find his father's murderer, Inigo starts to do what?

3. What do Fezzik's parents die from in Mongolia?

4. Whenever Dread Pirate Roberts' ship is passed down to a successor, what happens?

5. When Humperdinck demands that Buttercup marry him, he tells her that he doesn't want her love and will give her what?

(see the answer keys)

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