The Prince of Tides Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Prince of Tides Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many different types of Wingos are there according to Tom?
(a) One.
(b) Three.
(c) Five.
(d) Two.

2. During which decade does Tom begin recalling the story of his family?
(a) 1940s.
(b) 1950s.
(c) 1920s.
(d) 1960s.

3. What is it about Henry Wingo that is difficult for Tom to reconcile?
(a) He does not know why his father loved Luke more than Tom.
(b) He does not think his father taught him anything growing up.
(c) He does not see how the war made his father such an emotional person.
(d) He cannot understand how Tolitha and Amos created such a dangerous man.

4. Why does Amos bring everyone to the hayloft barn?
(a) Because racist townsfolk are threatening the Wingo servants.
(b) Because robbers have broken into the house.
(c) Because the storm begins to flood the house.
(d) Because Amos wants to have a prayer meeting.

5. What transformation occurs in Henry when he is on his shrimping boat?
(a) He plays the guitar and sings often.
(b) He never drinks.
(c) He never hits the children.
(d) He refuses to look at his children.

6. What does Tom say that Grandmother Tolitha did immediately following Papa John's death?
(a) She moved into a nursing home.
(b) She became a religious fanatic.
(c) She traveled the world until her money ran out.
(d) She went back to Grandpa Wingo.

7. Who or what is "Callanwolde"?
(a) All answers are correct.
(b) It is the woods around the Chandler estate.
(c) It is the buzz word used by the children to indicate any kind of danger.
(d) It is one of the words Savannah repeats on Dr. Lowenstein's recording.

8. Why does Henry light a candle at the statue of the Infant of Prague?
(a) For the Swiss family whose house was destroyed for haboring Henry.
(b) For the farm woman who was beaten for feeding Henry.
(c) For the old priest who was hung for helping Henry.
(d) For his family, whom Henry misses very much.

9. How has Savannah responded to Tom's letters, according to Dr. Lowenstein?
(a) They have inspired Savannah to overcome her illness.
(b) They have not been read by Savannah.
(c) They have angered Savannah to thoughts of suicide.
(d) They have upset Savannah to the point of needing sedation.

10. What does Tom recount as his reason for punching Todd Newbury?
(a) Todd insulted Tom's family.
(b) Todd tried to kiss Tom's sister.
(c) Todd punched Tom's brother.
(d) Todd stole his grandmother's camera.

11. Why do Tom and Luke travel to New York City?
(a) To meet the paternal grandfather they never knew.
(b) To attend Savannah's poetry reading.
(c) To visit their sick father in the hospital.
(d) To see the Broadway show Savannah was starring in.

12. In Chapter Five, what job is given to the Wingo children when they go to live with Papa John?
(a) They help their mother with chores around the house.
(b) They bring Papa John his meals every night.
(c) They help Papa John into the basement every night to watch after his spiders.
(d) They take care of Papa John's collection of black widow spiders.

13. Why does Tom begin writing letters to South Carolina?
(a) He is writing Luke to tell him about Savannah's progress.
(b) He is writing his mother to reconcile their estranged relationship.
(c) He is writing his wife to reignite the lost romance between them.
(d) He is writing schools to find a football coaching position.

14. How do Savannah and Tom feel about their father during their teenage years?
(a) They hate their father.
(b) They are jealous of their father.
(c) They feel nothing toward their father.
(d) They love their father.

15. What does Tom's wife blurt out to elicit an emotional response from Tom as they walk along the beach in Chapter One?
(a) She chastises Tom for being a horrible provider.
(b) She begs Tom to spend more time with the children.
(c) She confesses she is having an affair.
(d) She tells Tom that she never loved him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why might Conroy have included the scene with Tolitha's coffin in Chapter Eight?

2. What does Tom leave in the Newbury house while they are out of town?

3. What does Lila teach her children to do?

4. Where do Tom and Dr. Lowenstein go the night after their initial meeting?

5. What does Ruby Blankenship offer the children?

(see the answer keys)

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