Pride and Prejudice Test | Final Test - Medium

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Pride and Prejudice Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the purpose behind the surprise visit to Elizabeth while she is at home with a headache when she is supposed to be dining with Lady Catherine?
(a) A plea for monetary assistance.
(b) A debate over family matters.
(c) A proposal.
(d) A request for advice.

2. Why is Elizabeth so surprised to see Mr. Darcy in his own house?
(a) They thought he was sleeping.
(b) The housekeeper told them he was away.
(c) They were sure he was still in Brighton.
(d) They were told he was busy hunting on the grounds.

3. What does Mrs. Bennet say repeatedly that Jane will die of?
(a) A simple chill.
(b) A heart attack.
(c) An anxious countenance.
(d) A broken heart.

4. Where does Elizabeth travel to after she leaves Charlotte's house?
(a) Rosings.
(b) London.
(c) Meryton.
(d) Longbourn.

5. What does Mr. Bennet tell Elizabeth repeatedly when she arrives at Longbourn?
(a) He is glad she did not marry Mr. Collins.
(b) He wants Lydia to take a long trip.
(c) He is worried about Jane.
(d) He is happy to have her home.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Elizabeth see at the inn while meeting Darcy's sister?

2. Why do Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth not talk to each other when Darcy and Bingley dine at Longbourn?

3. What does Elizabeth think after reading her letter from Darcy the first time?

4. Who visits Elizabeth while Charlotte and Maria are in town without her?

5. Who did Lydia leave a note for before running away from Brighton?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the only thing Elizabeth can think about in her last few days in Hunsford?

2. Who does Elizabeth keep running into on her rambles through Rosings Park?

3. Why is Mr. Bennet so amused by Mr. Collins' letter to him congratulating him on Elizabeth's engagement to Mr. Darcy?

4. What kind of affection does Elizabeth witness between Mr. Bingley and Georgiana when they all visit her at the inn in Derbyshire?

5. Who is the only person Elizabeth tells about her proposal from Mr. Darcy?

6. Why does Elizabeth feel that sympathy is not due towards Charlotte for her bad choice of a husband?

7. What does Charlotte attribute all of Mr. Darcy's visits to Elizabeth to?

8. What is the only reason Elizabeth agrees to tour Pemberley while she is in Derbyshire with the Gardiners?

9. Who is the first person that Elizabeth tells about Lydia's elopement?

10. What reason did Mr. Darcy give Mr. Gardiner for insisting on financing the marriage between Mr. Wickham and Lydia?

(see the answer keys)

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