Pride and Prejudice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Pride and Prejudice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Mr. Bingley choose to spend his winter?
(a) Meryton.
(b) Pemberley.
(c) London.
(d) Netherfield.

2. How much money does Darcy make every year?
(a) 30,000 pounds.
(b) 10,000 pounds.
(c) 50,000 pounds.
(d) 20,000 pounds.

3. What is Jane's reaction to Mr. Wickham's portrayal of Mr. Darcy?
(a) She knows this to be false and is confused about what to do about it.
(b) She is certain that it is true and is ready to spread the news to everyone.
(c) She is sure both parties are deceived.
(d) She is angry and feels the need to end her engagement with Bingley.

4. What is Mrs. Bennet's initial reaction to the news of their visitor shortly after Jane arrives home from Netherfield?
(a) She is upset and dislikes him.
(b) She is confused but flattered at the attention.
(c) She is thrilled and plans a lavish meal.
(d) She is scared and feels intimidated.

5. What does Elizabeth say causes Darcy to say the horrible things that he does about her at the first ball of the book?
(a) Fear.
(b) Loneliness.
(c) Pride.
(d) Selfishness.

6. What does Miss Lucas say about Mr. Darcy after the first ball of the book?
(a) That she pities him and his loneliness.
(b) That he was raised to be selfish, so it isn't all his fault.
(c) That he has every right to be prideful.
(d) That he is silly to fear.

7. How does Jane travel to the Bingley's house when she is asked to dine there by Miss Bingley?
(a) She walks.
(b) She takes a carriage.
(c) Horseback.
(d) Her father hires a stage coach to take her.

8. Who takes an immediate liking to Elizabeth while she dines at Rosings after church one day?
(a) Colonel Fitzwilliam.
(b) Senator Fanghorn.
(c) Admiral Filkham.
(d) Sergeant Fillmore.

9. What is Miss Bingley doing to amuse herself on Elizabeth's second evening at Netherfield?
(a) Writing a letter.
(b) Needlepoint.
(c) Trying to talk to Darcy.
(d) Walking about the room.

10. Where did Mr. Bingley obtain his large fortune?
(a) His law firm.
(b) The sale of a great property.
(c) An inheritance.
(d) Through trade.

11. While Bingley is beginning to court Jane, what does Mr. Darcy begin to notice about Lizzie that makes her more beautiful in his eyes?
(a) Her docility and tenderness.
(b) Her polite regard of his status.
(c) Her quick temper.
(d) Her intelligence and wit.

12. Who does Elizabeth call on to decide whether or not Jane is well enough to go home after her first night at Netherfield?
(a) Mrs. Bennet.
(b) Mrs. Hurst.
(c) Mr. Bingley.
(d) Dr. Craven.

13. What does Lydia say to Lord Lucas when he comes bearing news of his daughter's upcoming nuptials?
(a) She laughs.
(b) She proclaims it is the perfect match.
(c) She screams in fury.
(d) She tells him that it can't be true.

14. Who is Elizabeth happy to see leave Netherfield while she is there caring for Jane?
(a) Ms. Bingley.
(b) Mr. Hurst.
(c) Mr. Darcy.
(d) Mrs. Bennet.

15. Who is always close by Elizabeth as she dines at Rosings one day after church?
(a) Mr. Darcy.
(b) Charlotte.
(c) Mr. Collins.
(d) Lady Catherine.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Mr. Collin's first choice as a wife?

2. What does Charlotte do when her husband says silly and embarrassing statements?

3. What does Mary do at the ball at Netherfield to embarrass Elizabeth?

4. What does Elizabeth do when she hears Mr. Darcy slight her at the first ball of the book?

5. How long does Mr. Collins stay at Longbourn after he is refused?

(see the answer keys)

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