The Power and the Glory Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Power and the Glory Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What awakens the boy in the middle of the night?
(a) His younger brother who cannot sleep.
(b) His mother's coughing.
(c) Bad dreams.
(d) A loud knocking at the door.

2. What does the priest wonder about the other prisoners?
(a) If any of them will get shot.
(b) If some of them carry disease.
(c) What they did to get put in jail.
(d) Which one will trun him in.

3. What does the priest reply when the lieutenant says he never thought the priest would return?
(a) Even a coward has a sense of duty.
(b) I never thought I would, either.
(c) After a while everyone gets tired of running.
(d) What else could he do against the armed mestizo?

4. What happens after the priest tries in vain to confess?
(a) He tries to pray but cannt.
(b) He falls asleep and dreams.
(c) He curses himself and God.
(d) He drinks the rest of the brandy.

5. To what does the priest compare the disciplines of the church?
(a) Preparing troops for battle.
(b) The secular laws of the land.
(c) The Ten Commandments.
(d) The constitution of a democracy.

6. What does the priest admit in the prison?
(a) That he cannot excape death.
(b) That the Church has always been wrong.
(c) That he is a bad priest and a bad man.
(d) That Christianity makes people brave.

7. Why does the priest envy the people of the village?
(a) They are all rich.
(b) They have never feared the police.
(c) They can get absolution, but he cannot.
(d) They have large, happy families.

8. In spite of the Yankee's protests, what does the priest do?
(a) He pours wine in the Yankee's wounds.
(b) He says a prayer for the Yankee's soul.
(c) He gives the Yankee last rites.
(d) He sits quietly holding the Yankee's hand.

9. Why does the priest return to the banana plantation?
(a) He hopes to find the American fugitive.
(b) He is looking for Coral who offered to help him.
(c) He thinks it is safe because the lieutenant has already been there.
(d) He only knows how to go there.

10. How well does the priest sleep in the crowded cell?
(a) He cannot sleep at all because of the noise.
(b) He does not sleep for thinking about his death.
(c) He sleeps soundly from exhaustion.
(d) He leans against the wall and drifts in and out of sleep.

11. What information dismays the priest?
(a) He will be crucified in the plaza of the capital.
(b) The lieutenant is determined to have all the children see the execution.
(c) He will have to return to the capital to stand trial.
(d) He will suffer a prolonged and agonizing death.

12. What does the woman say she when she hears the priest say he has not repented of his sins and doesn't want to.
(a) That he is speaking out of fear and a martyr is never afraid.
(b) She will write the bisdhop as soon as she gets out of jail.
(c) That he is just saying that to spare the other prisoners.
(d) She will light a candle for him when she gets out of jail.

13. How does the priest awake the morning of his scheduled execution?
(a) Thinking he is already dead and in heaven.
(b) Confused, not knowing where he is.
(c) With great hope because of his dream the night before.
(d) With despair knowing this is his last day.

14. What have Mr. and Mrs. Fellows agreed not to do?
(a) Tell anyone they are leaving.
(b) Press charges against the police.
(c) Think about the future.
(d) Mention their daughter's name.

15. What makes the priest fear the lieutenant will recognize him from Carmen?
(a) The lieutenant asks him a lot of questions.
(b) The lieutenant stares at him for a long time.
(c) He sees the old photo of himself on the lieutenant's wall.
(d) The lieutenant keeps scratching his head.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the priest do as he exits the hut.

2. What surprises the lieutenant as they talk inside the hut?

3. How does the mestizo give himself away?

4. How does the boy react to the man at the door?

5. What is the Indian woman searching for in the maize?

(see the answer keys)

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