Postmortem Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Postmortem Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Scarpetta say when Benton says he doesn't mind if she eats while they work.
(a) She can't let people watch her eat.
(b) She isn't hungry.
(c) She isn't feeling well.
(d) She does mind.

2. What had Benton been before becoming an FBI agent?
(a) Sanitation worker.
(b) Roofer.
(c) High school principal.
(d) Piano tuner.

3. What play does Marino say Mr. Peterson is involved in?
(a) Romeo and Juliet.
(b) Hamlet.
(c) One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
(d) A Midsummer Night's Dream.

4. What does Marino say would happen if people knew him and Scarpetta were riding around together at that moment in chapter eight?
(a) Scarpetta would be fired.
(b) Marino would loose his badge.
(c) Marino and Scarpetta would be front page.
(d) No one would care.

5. Why does Scarpetta say she doesn't think Mr. Peterson is the killer when Marino asks her about it in chapter four?
(a) He has kind eyes.
(b) He obviously loved his wife.
(c) He has a solid alibi.
(d) Mr. Peterson doesn't profile right for the killer.

6. What does Marino say he had done before he became a cop?
(a) Delivered flowers.
(b) Worked for UPS.
(c) Was a 911 dispatcher.
(d) Was a teacher.

7. What does Scarpetta say is the cruelest form of punishments?
(a) Segregation.
(b) Isolation.
(c) Electrocutions.
(d) Sexual harassment.

8. What does Scarpetta say is a prerequisite of a person her sister is willing to date?
(a) Anything on two legs.
(b) Anything that is in close range.
(c) Someone who is willing to say 'hello.'
(d) She doesn't date.

9. Who does Scarpetta say that her co-worker, Betty, reminded her of?
(a) A nun named Sister Martha.
(b) Mrs. Key, Scarpetta's first grade teacher.
(c) Marino.
(d) Scarpetta's favorite aunt.

10. Why does Boltz say he didn't warn Scarpetta about the meeting?
(a) He didn't want to worry her.
(b) He was under orders not to tell.
(c) He was hoping Amburgey would change his mind.
(d) He didn't know.

11. What does Scarpetta note when Betty is talking about the other women that were murdered prior to Lori Peterson?
(a) That it is time for a cigarette break.
(b) They talk about the women as if they are numbers and not people.
(c) They talk about the women as if they knew them.
(d) They are both scared that they will never catch the killer.

12. Who is Scarpetta continually thinking about while talking to Betty?
(a) Matt Peterson.
(b) Amburgey.
(c) Benton.
(d) Marino.

13. What kind of doctor was Lori studying to be?
(a) Podiatrist.
(b) Heart surgeon.
(c) Oncologist.
(d) Plastic surgeon.

14. Who pulls up as Marino and Scarpetta leave Lori Peterson's house in chapter one?
(a) A local radio personality.
(b) A representative for the governor.
(c) Bill Boltz, the Commonweath's attorney.
(d) The mayor.

15. What was used to tie up Lori Peterson's hands?
(a) Duck tape from her house.
(b) Electrical cord from the lamps.
(c) Toilet papper and glue.
(d) Rope from the curtains.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is found on the blade of the hunting knife?

2. Where does Matt tell Marino he met Lori?

3. In chapter six what does Betty say that the fibers on the knife from the crime scene are consistent with?

4. What does Scarpetta suggest may be the reason that the knife was used by killer?

5. What had Lori eaten very close to the time of her death?

(see the answer keys)

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