Possession: A Romance Test | Final Test - Hard

A.S. Byatt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Possession: A Romance Test | Final Test - Hard

A.S. Byatt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has Val believed about Roland and Maud, until she learns more at the horse race?

2. Who does Cropper lunch with to acquire more of Ash's items, since the current Lord Ash does not particularly like Cropper?

3. Whose horse wins the horse race?

4. What is Beatrice Nest concerned about?

5. Does the medium say that the apprentice has mystical powers?

Short Essay Questions

1. What offer does Blackadder make to Roland?

2. What does Roland start to do at the end of Chapter 26?

3. What happens at Sabine's house when Christabel disappears?

4. What does Maud tell Roland about other people's perceptions of what the two are doing?

5. How does Val feel about her new relationship?

6. How does Ellen Ash feel about Christabel?

7. How does Blackadder feel about his work?

8. What do Leonora and Blackadder do when Cropper's Mercedes passes them on the road?

9. How do Maud and Roland react to Euan's phone call?

10. Where has Euan located Cropper and Hildebrand?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In the novel, scholars are in competition with each other, but they also must cooperate to find truths. Discuss competition versus cooperation in the novel.

1) Why do the characters keep information to themselves, as a possession? Why does Roland keep the letters, and why does Cropper "steal" photos of other letters of Ash? How does secrecy affect knowledge, both of the individual and society?

2) Why is Roland and Maud's picture of Ash and LaMotte incomplete without information from others? If they did not go to other scholars for cooperation, how would their final knowledge be different?

3) How does Cropper's attitude toward cooperation and competition differ from the other scholars in the novel?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss communication in the novel.

1) How does literature and poetry function as communication in the novel? How does a reader or scholar know that he or she is communicating with an author like Ash or LaMotte?

2) How do the characters communicate with each other? How do they often not communicate, and exist at cross-purposes with each other?

3) How does communication build knowledge in the novel?

Essay Topic 3

Compare Ash and LaMotte's relationship to Maud and Roland's.

1) How are the two couples' experiences in Yorkshire similar? How are they different? What does this show about the characters?

2) What allows Maud and Roland to come together in a relationship, while Ash and LaMotte's relationship can only be fleeting and secret?

3) What compels Ash and LaMotte together? What needs do they fulfill in each other? How does this compare to Maud and Roland, and the forces that compel them toward each other?

(see the answer keys)

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