Possession: A Romance Test | Final Test - Easy

A.S. Byatt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Possession: A Romance Test | Final Test - Easy

A.S. Byatt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Ash get the jewelry he gives to Christabel?
(a) He bought it new.
(b) It is his wife's.
(c) He bought it from an antique dealer.
(d) It was his mother's.

2. What has Val believed about Roland and Maud, until she learns more at the horse race?
(a) That Roland and Maud were enemies.
(b) That Roland and Maud were nothing more than colleagues.
(c) That Roland and Maud were having an affair.
(d) That Roland and Maud didn't know each other.

3. Who does the letter say that Christabel LaMotte visited in 1859?
(a) A psychologist named Karmin la Cruz.
(b) A writer named Sabine de Kercoz.
(c) Ellen Ash.
(d) Randolf Ash.

4. What does Ellen do with the box?
(a) She keeps it under her pillow.
(b) She keeps it in a safe.
(c) She buries it with Randolf.
(d) She buries it in the garden.

5. Whose number does Val give to Fergus?
(a) Leonora's.
(b) Sir George's.
(c) Maud's.
(d) Cropper's.

6. When did Ellen first know about Christabel?
(a) Long before Ash told her.
(b) After Ash's death.
(c) When Ash finally told her, years after the affair.
(d) When Ash first told her, right after the affair.

7. Who is the letter from that Leonora shows Maud?
(a) Blackadder.
(b) Cropper.
(c) Dr. LeMinier.
(d) Sir George Bailey.

8. What time do Cropper and Hildebrand leave for the cemetery?
(a) Ten at night.
(b) One in the morning.
(c) Noon.
(d) Six in the morning.

9. Who has the knight in THE FAIRY MELUSINE killed?
(a) His wife.
(b) His brother.
(c) His grandfather.
(d) His lord.

10. What does Roland discover happened to his landlady?
(a) She broke her arm.
(b) She had a stroke.
(c) She had a heart attack.
(d) She had a seizure.

11. Where does Val tell Fergus that Roland is?
(a) Val thinks Roland is at a conference in Northern England.
(b) Val thinks Roland is at an auction in Paris.
(c) Val thinks Roland is looking at a book for Blackadder.
(d) Val thinks Roland is in Italy at a museum.

12. Who does Val meet at the horse races?
(a) Blackadder.
(b) Sir George's lawyer.
(c) Leonore.
(d) Cropper.

13. What is Sabine's first impression of Christabel?
(a) Sabine is sad for Christabel at first.
(b) Sabine is in awe of Christabel's writing at first.
(c) Sabine doesn't like Christabel at first.
(d) Sabine is jealous of Christabel's clothes and style at first.

14. What is Cropper hoping to do, with the help of Hildebrand Ash?
(a) Transport Randolph Ash's former home to America.
(b) Tear down Randolph Ash's former home.
(c) Dig up Randolph Ash's former garden.
(d) Dig up Ellen and Randolph Ash's graves.

15. What document have Toby and Euan uncovered?
(a) An unknown autobiographical poem written by Christabel.
(b) A will dictated by Christabel to her sister.
(c) A message from Christabel to the deceased Blanche.
(d) A later letter written from Christabel to Ash.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who will go and spy on Cropper and Hildebrand Ash?

2. Who does Roland give Ash's draft letters to?

3. With whom does Val go to the horse race?

4. What is Maud's actual relationship to Christabel?

5. What does Dr. LeMinier give Maude?

(see the answer keys)

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