Plum Island Test | Final Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Plum Island Test | Final Test - Easy

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When John finds the abandoned ambulance in Chapter 35, what does he do?
(a) He puts it in neutral and pushes it off of the road.
(b) Disables the hydraulic lines and electrical wires.
(c) He drives it back to Beth.
(d) Breaks off the steering wheel.

2. When John returns to New York, what item does he find waiting for him at his house?
(a) A newspaper with a full story about his involvement.
(b) A small part of the treasure sent by the Gordons to him.
(c) A letter from the Gordons.
(d) A love letter from Emma.

3. According to John in Chapter 30, when does he think Tobin decided to kill the Gordons?
(a) From the onset of their plan.
(b) After they had moved the treasure.
(c) He didn't decide to kill them until the day he did.
(d) John has no theory on this.

4. Why isn't Beth able to interview Donna Alba?
(a) She is on vacation.
(b) She has lost her voice.
(c) She refuses to cooperate.
(d) She has been killed.

5. What item of clothing are both John and Beth missing when they arrive at the island in Chapter 34?
(a) Shoes.
(b) Shirts.
(c) Coats.
(d) He is missing his shirt and she is missing her shorts.

6. Why does Stevens want to kill John?
(a) Because John beat him up at his house.
(b) Because he is a friend of Tobin's.
(c) Because John knows about the treasure.
(d) Because he is jealous that Beth likes John.

7. How does John escape Stevens in Chapter 37?
(a) John is able to hide from him in a crevice in the cliffs.
(b) John wrestles his gun from him and shoots him.
(c) John jumps into the sea and swims to where Beth is.
(d) Beth arrives and shoots Stevens.

8. After John knocks out Stevens in a fist fight in Chapter 27, how does he revive him?
(a) With a water hose.
(b) By repeatedly slapping his cheeks.
(c) He waits for him to revive on his own.
(d) With smelling salts.

9. When John tells Emma about the number he found in the Gordons' book, where does she recognize the number from?
(a) As a combination to the historical society vault.
(b) A brochure she saw about Plum Island.
(c) As a navigational code from Fredric's boat.
(d) A letter from Captain Kidd to his wife.

10. What unique object is Emma wearing when Tom meets her at this historical society in Chapter 21?
(a) An old-fashioned bonnet.
(b) A pirate's hat.
(c) A necklace featuring a skull and crossbones.
(d) A Tobin winery shirt.

11. What item does Beth jokingly declare to be looking for on Tobin's lawn?
(a) Her pearl earring.
(b) Her contact lens.
(c) Her grandma's locket.
(d) Her badge.

12. What lie does John tell Mrs. Wiley about Beth in Chapter 17?
(a) That she has had a nervous breakdown.
(b) That she is related to the Gordons.
(c) That she is pregnant.
(d) That she has been taken off the case.

13. What response does Beth take to Tobin firing on them?
(a) She attempts to radio the Coast Guard.
(b) She returns fire with her 9mm gun.
(c) She screams and flops down on the deck.
(d) She throws the boat into full throttle to leave the scene.

14. On what date does John tell Emma his divorce becomes final?
(a) November 18.
(b) October 1.
(c) It became final the previous Christmas.
(d) He isn't sure.

15. Where does Beth want John to meet her at the beginning of Chapter 14?
(a) Her hotel.
(b) The Murphy's home.
(c) The Gordons' home.
(d) His house.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do they discover on the Gordons' land they purchased from Margaret Wiley?

2. When John returns home in Chapter 28, how many messages does he have?

3. Where does John eat lunch in Chapter 27?

4. What does John think of the Murphy's house?

5. Which two local friends of the Gordons owned .45 guns?

(see the answer keys)

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