Picture Test | Final Test - Medium

Lillian Ross
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Picture Test | Final Test - Medium

Lillian Ross
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When was the first preview for a general audience of the film "The Red Badge of Courage"?
(a) April, 1950.
(b) March, 1954.
(c) May, 1946.
(d) February, 1951.

2. What did Murphy tell Reinhardt about his feelings towards German soldiers during WWII?
(a) He made good friends with some of the German soldiers he oversaw in the P.O.W. camps.
(b) He felt sorry for the German soldiers because they were losing the war.
(c) He respected German soldiers and it was a mistake to underestimate them.
(d) He hated German soldiers and thought they were unintelligent.

3. What does Reinhardt tell Huston Mayer asked him about the film in the section titled "Piccolos Under Your Name, Strings Under Mine"?
(a) Whether the film had been fun to make.
(b) Whether the film had good acting.
(c) Whether the film had a story.
(d) Whether the film was over budget.

4. What does Mayer angrily tell Reinhardt after the feedback from the previews of "The Red Badge of Courage" start coming in?
(a) Reinhardt would be a better director than a producer.
(b) Reinhardt should not work with Huston again.
(c) Reinhardt tried his best and he should be proud.
(d) Reinhardt does not seem to want to make money.

5. What does Reinhardt tell Ross about Huston's demeanor following the film's preview in February 1951?
(a) Huston was resilient.
(b) Huston was bewildered.
(c) Huston was demolished.
(d) Huston was satisfied.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Ross go with Reinhardt, Band, and Huston after attending Romanoff's party in the section titled "Piccolos Under Your Name, Strings Under Mine"?

2. What other film does Reinhardt suggest pairing "The Red Badge of Courage" in in previews?

3. Who is Huston's friend that he met at the race track and then cast as an extra?

4. What does Schary say he thinks all music in the movies has to be to be effective?

5. What does Band say the audiences hated about Durant?

Short Essay Questions

1. What premise does the musical composer Bronislau Kaper bring to every film he works on?

2. How do the producers and professionals involved in making a film gauge whether L.B. Mayer liked the film after viewing the preview?

3. In Part III, what does Dore Schary tell Reinhardt about his opinion on the progress of the picture and on Audie Murphy's performance particularly?

4. How does the audience react to the second preview?

5. What picture is Huston slated to start work on immediately after finishing "The Red Badge of Courage"?

6. What does Reinhardt tell Ross about what usually happens to a film once the director is through with it?

7. By the end of Part III of the book, how is Reinhardt feeling about "The Red Badge of Courage's" prospects?

8. Why does Arthur Freed tell Ross that Huston's pictures have trouble selling to audiences?

9. What does Schary lament about the promotional prospects for the film after viewing it with Huston and Reinhardt at his home in Part IV?

10. What does Reinhardt suggest altering in the film, with Huston's blessing, to make it more appealing to audiences after the first preview?

(see the answer keys)

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