Picnic Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Picnic Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Madge is upset about making love to Hal and she admits that _____________________.
(a) Hal raped her.
(b) she wanted it to happen.
(c) it will never happen again.
(d) she hates Hal.

2. Where does Madge tell her mother she is going?
(a) Wichita.
(b) Los Angeles.
(c) Tulsa.
(d) Chicago.

3. What does Flo ask Alan to do?
(a) Teach her to play golf.
(b) Drop Millie off at school.
(c) Talk to Madge.
(d) Come to dinner tonight.

4. What does Millie tell Alan?
(a) Madge doesn't want to see him.
(b) She loves him.
(c) She has always like him.
(d) Madge ran away last night.

5. How does Rosemary finally approach Howard to marry her?
(a) She demands it.
(b) She stomps her foot.
(c) She is coy.
(d) She pleads with him.

6. What does Hal tell Madge he is going to do?
(a) Hop on a train.
(b) Move to New York.
(c) Get a job in town.
(d) Marry her.

7. Who returns home with Madge?
(a) Alan.
(b) Flo.
(c) Millie.
(d) Hal.

8. What does Howard do soon after dropping Rosemary at home?
(a) Tries to leave.
(b) Has a drink.
(c) Turns on the TV.
(d) Smokes a cigarette.

9. With whom does Madge fall in love?
(a) Bomber.
(b) Howard.
(c) Hal.
(d) Alan.

10. With whom did Madge make love tonight?
(a) Howard.
(b) Hal.
(c) Alan.
(d) Bomber.

11. How can Rosemary's behavior be characterized when she begs for Howard to marry her?
(a) Pathetic.
(b) Righteous.
(c) Crazy.
(d) Rational.

12. What type of emotions is Rosemary experiencing when she begs Howard to marry her?
(a) None.
(b) Manipulative.
(c) Honest.
(d) Contrived.

13. Whose house is bustling as the scene begins?
(a) Alan's.
(b) Howard's.
(c) Flo's.
(d) Mrs. Potts'.

14. What does Howard promise Rosemary?
(a) He will buy her a diamond ring.
(b) He will come back.
(c) He will buy her a house.
(d) He will take her away.

15. What does Rosemary beg Howard to do?
(a) Move in with her.
(b) Take her to the picnic.
(c) Make love to her.
(d) Take her with him.

Short Answer Questions

1. Howard says the evening was __________.

2. What can be said about Madge's state of mind at this point in the play?

3. What is very obvious between Madge and Hal?

4. Which of the following does not describe Hal when he appears at the Owens house?

5. Who is with Rosemary as Act 3, Scene 1 opens?

(see the answer keys)

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