The Phantom Tollbooth Test | Final Test - Easy

Norton Juster
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Phantom Tollbooth Test | Final Test - Easy

Norton Juster
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the magic staff given to Milo by the Mathemagician look like?
(a) A box.
(b) A pencil.
(c) A stick.
(d) A cane.

2. What is the shape of the cloud outside Milo's window the afternoon the tollbooth disappears?
(a) A demon.
(b) A tree.
(c) A caterpillar.
(d) A sailing ship.

3. What does Milo realize about Infinity?
(a) That everything is green.
(b) That everything is huge.
(c) That he'll never get there.
(d) That nothing is complete.

4. What shortcut is Milo shown to the land of Infinity?
(a) Stairs.
(b) A line.
(c) A river.
(d) A road.

5. What is the shape of the Mathemagician's workshop room?
(a) Circular.
(b) Square.
(c) The shape continually changes.
(d) Triangular.

6. How do Rhyme and Reason suggest they get out of the Castle in the Air?
(a) That Humbug should fly them out.
(b) That Tock should fly them out.
(c) That they should all jump.
(d) That Milo should fly them out.

7. What does Alec Bings show people through a special telescope set up for the celebration?
(a) The moon.
(b) Mars.
(c) The other side of the moon.
(d) The other side of Mars.

8. How does Milo come to know what's happened to make the Silent Valley?
(a) Milo guesses.
(b) Someone uses sign language to explain it.
(c) Someone whispers it to Milo.
(d) Someone writes it on the blackboard.

9. What saves Milo, Tock and Humbug from the man at the bottom of the stairs in the Castle of the Air?
(a) A demon.
(b) King Azaz.
(c) Laughter.
(d) Rhyme and Reason.

10. What is the first instrument to play under Milo's direction as leader of the orchestra?
(a) A trombone.
(b) A clarinet.
(c) A piccolo.
(d) A bass drum.

11. How long does Milo calculate it will take to finish the tasks assigned by the faceless man?
(a) 87 years.
(b) 837 minutes.
(c) 37 minutes.
(d) 837 years.

12. Who meets Milo, Tock and Humbug on the island as they continue on their way to Digitopolis?
(a) A clam.
(b) Cranky.
(c) Canby.
(d) Rhyme and Reason.

13. What does the Mathemagician provide for Milo, Tock, Humbug and the others to eat?
(a) Subtraction stew.
(b) Addition stew.
(c) Division stew.
(d) Multiplication stew.

14. How does Milo and his group accidentally wake the Gelatinous Giant?
(a) They step on his hand.
(b) They stumble into his cave.
(c) They knock on his door.
(d) They talk too loudly.

15. How much time has elapsed when Milo arrives home at the end of the book?
(a) A week.
(b) A month.
(c) An hour.
(d) A day.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who signed the note left for Milo the day after his return?

2. Where does the Dodecahedron take Milo, Tock and Humbug first?

3. What is Milo told he must do to restore sound to the Silent valley?

4. What sound does Milo make when he tries to talk in the Silent Valley?

5. What happens to the Castle in the Air after the stairway is destroyed?

(see the answer keys)

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