Phaedrus Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Phaedrus Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Socrates say people with unsound minds dislike?
(a) Things that are superior to them.
(b) Things that surprise them.
(c) Things that don't involve them.
(d) Thins that help their relationship.

2. How does Phaedras feel about Socrates's discussion about relationships?
(a) Upset.
(b) Amazed.
(c) Intrigued.
(d) Annoyed.

3. Who does Socrates say inspired his second speech?
(a) Eros.
(b) Stesichorus.
(c) Diana.
(d) Himera.

4. What does Socrates call the force of an uncontrolled desire for love?
(a) Amor.
(b) Passion.
(c) Eros.
(d) Luxury.

5. What is the temple by the stream of Illissus built in honor of?
(a) The Virgin.
(b) The Huntress.
(c) The Star Maker.
(d) The Gatherer.

6. What does Socrates say brings lovers the most satisfaction in their relationships?
(a) Being depended on.
(b) Having someone to praise.
(c) Having someone to depend on.
(d) Being praised.

7. What does Lysias say lovers regret?
(a) Their kindness.
(b) All of these.
(c) Their selfishness.
(d) Their assumptions.

8. What are Socrates and Phaedras doing when they meet each other at the beginning of the book?
(a) Exercising.
(b) Resting.
(c) Waiting.
(d) Reading.

9. How did Stesichorus receive his disability?
(a) He ignored the truth in his poems.
(b) He offended the gods.
(c) He was punished for a crime.
(d) He was caught in a horrible storm.

10. What does Socrates think the only reason to make a speech should be?
(a) To the search for truth.
(b) To feed one's own ego.
(c) For the advance of mankind.
(d) For the sake of applause.

11. What does Phaedras appreciate about Socrates's statement about relationships?
(a) The controversial nature.
(b) The language.
(c) The logic.
(d) The honesty.

12. What must be linked in order for someone to predict the future?
(a) The future and the past.
(b) The perfect and divine.
(c) The truth and the past.
(d) The needs and the wants.

13. What does Phaedras doubt he can do while walking with Socrates?
(a) Give proper credit to Lysias.
(b) Change Socrates's mind.
(c) Present the right ideas.
(d) Give a good speech.

14. What is another name for the Delphic women?
(a) Dobono's women.
(b) Dodona's women.
(c) David's women.
(d) Daphne's women.

15. What does Socrates want in a place to hear the speech?
(a) Some shade and a chair.
(b) A tree and a breeze.
(c) A rock and some water.
(d) Birds and sun.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Socrates say about insanity in his second speech?

2. What is the Recantation?

3. What does Socrates like most about the speech read by Phaedras?

4. Who made good predictions when insane?

5. What becomes contradictory if one is not well versed in a subject of a speech according to Socrates?

(see the answer keys)

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