The Perfect Storm Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Perfect Storm Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The highest waves ever recorded along the Scotian Shelf, or anywhere at any time according to author Sebastian Junger, occurred within "The Perfect Storm". How high were the waves to which Junger refers?
(a) 90 feet high.
(b) 120 feet high.
(c) 100 feet high.
(d) 80 feet high.

2. What is the name of the sailor that the rescuers are attempting to rescue along the New Jersey coast?
(a) Mikado Tomizawa.
(b) Gary Purdue.
(c) Cliff Sorenson.
(d) Mesharaff Dioligli.

3. Author Sebastian Junger attributes a five to ten-minute extension of the life of the crew of the Andrea Gail to which of the following?
(a) Diving reflex.
(b) Survival suits worn my crew members.
(c) Scuba equipment used by crew members.
(d) Larynospasm.

4. Ultimately Mioli, Ruvola, and Spillane are rescued using which of the following rescue gear?
(a) Survival suits.
(b) Basket lift.
(c) Rescue rafts.
(d) Mesh ropes.

5. Who is the last person to communicate with Billy Tyne as "The Perfect Storm" and the Andrea Gail are headed toward each other?
(a) Tommy Barrie.
(b) Albert Johnston..
(c) Adam Randall.
(d) Ray Leonard.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Junger, a "backing wind" moves counter-clockwise and always foreshadows what type of weather?

2. Which of the following is the name of the hurricane that collides with the Sable Island storm and a cold front to form "The Perfect Storm"?

3. Who among the rescue crew along the New Jersey coast is rescued first?

4. Who among the following characters fractures three bones in his right arm, four ribs and ruptures a kidney upon falling into the raging sea water during the rescue attempt along the New Jersey coast?

5. How often does a weather event identical to the one that created "The Perfect Storm" occur?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was the United States Navy doing in relation to the detonation of nuclear bombs in the ocean about 40 years ago as Junger describes in Chapter 7?

2. What type of obstacle does Coast Guard rescuer Dave Moore have to overcome during his attempt to save those who had been aboard The Satori?

3. In Chapter 5, what does Junger describe as the action that a boat crew takes when they hear reports that a storm is hitting a boat at sea?

4. What type of response to her call for assistance does Satori passenger Karen Stimpson receive?

5. List some of the ways that most sword fishermen exhibit their state of denial about the dangers that exist in their profession.

6. Why was the United States Navy conducting undersea experiments involving the detonation of nuclear bombs?

7. Describe the four classifications that Junger writes about in Chapter 5 in relation to the method used by fishermen for gauging the velocity of a windstorm.

8. Describe the steps as detailed in Chapter 7 in relation to how the life-preserving "diving reflex"" technique can be set in motion.

9. After "The Perfect Storm", what are the immediate signs noted in Chapter 9 that signal that perhaps not all may be well with the Andrea Gail and her crew?

10. In what context are "PJ's" used by Junger in this chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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