The Perfect Storm Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Perfect Storm Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What took out the windows in the Andrea Gail in the midst of "The Perfect Storm"?
(a) Exceedingly strong gusts of wind.
(b) Waves.
(c) Intense air pressure that built inside the cabin of the Andrea Gail during "The Perfect Storm".
(d) Wind-driven rain.

2. Author Sebastian Junger writes that a series of waves that can drive a ship underwater is known as which of the following?
(a) Inundating.
(b) Floundering.
(c) Wave crush.
(d) Weighing down.

3. Ultimately Mioli, Ruvola, and Spillane are rescued using which of the following rescue gear?
(a) Basket lift.
(b) Survival suits.
(c) Mesh ropes.
(d) Rescue rafts.

4. What is the proper term for the rafts that are used to transport those aboard The Satori to a Coast Guard rescue cutter?
(a) Avon.
(b) Dinghy.
(c) Whisker.
(d) Shuttle.

5. What is the name of the sailor that the rescuers are attempting to rescue along the New Jersey coast?
(a) Gary Purdue.
(b) Mikado Tomizawa.
(c) Mesharaff Dioligli.
(d) Cliff Sorenson.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who comes to the aid of the rescuers involved in the rescue attempt along the New Jersey coast?

2. Which boat positioned nearby to the Andrea Gail changes its course shortly before "The Perfect Storm" strikes?

3. Chapter 7 includes explicit information about which of the following?

4. Which crew member aboard the Andrea Gail has had a premonition that he will die young at sea?

5. In Chapter 7, an explanation is given regarding how a crew member of the Andrea Gail must have felt as he was drowning. What is that explanation?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 5, what does Junger describe as the action that a boat crew takes when they hear reports that a storm is hitting a boat at sea?

2. Who are the Air National Guard rescuers written about in Chapter 9 who end up having to ditch the rescue helicopter in order to save their own lives as the attempt to rescue a Japanese sailor is underway along the New Jersey coast?

3. List some of the ways that most sword fishermen exhibit their state of denial about the dangers that exist in their profession.

4. Describe the life-saving technique that Ernie Hazard used as it is explained in Chapter 7.

5. What type of response to her call for assistance does Satori passenger Karen Stimpson receive?

6. What unconventional rescue method described in Chapter 9 does the Air National Guard resort to for what results in the rescue of three of its own rescuers during the attempt to rescue a Japanese sailor off the New Jersey coast?

7. In Chapter 8, what is the reason that the two female passengers, Karen Stimpson and Sue Bylander, give the television reporter with respect to why their boat skipper, Ray Leonard did not want to leave his boat in the midst of "The Perfect Storm"?

8. Describe the steps as detailed in Chapter 7 in relation to how the life-preserving "diving reflex"" technique can be set in motion.

9. What is the difference between "pitch-poling" and "floundering"?

10. The biggest freak wave ever recorded is mentioned and described in Chapter 6. Explain the details of this event.

(see the answer keys)

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