Perdido Street Station Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Perdido Street Station Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Yagharek pay Isaac for his work?
(a) With drugs.
(b) With food.
(c) With gold coins.
(d) With admiration.

2. According to David, who did Isaac get the larvae from?
(a) David.
(b) He has no idea.
(c) Mr. Motley.
(d) Parliament.

3. To whom does the parliament clerk send the box of grubs?
(a) Isaac Dan der Grimnebulin.
(b) Mayor Bentham Rudgutter.
(c) Dr. Magesta Barbile.
(d) Montague Vermishank.

4. What is the name of the the flying wyrman handyman?
(a) Forteatwo.
(b) Twofortea.
(c) Teafortwo.
(d) Fortwotea.

5. What has David become a spy?
(a) Because he believes it's the right thing to do.
(b) Because he is being blackmailed.
(c) Because he needs the money.
(d) All of the answers are true.

6. What is the name of the communicatrix Dekhan went to visit?
(a) Amma.
(b) Umma.
(c) Omma.
(d) Emma.

7. During what season of the year do the slake moths hatch?
(a) Autumn.
(b) Spring.
(c) Summer.
(d) Winter.

8. What does Ged do for a living?
(a) He is a militia man.
(b) He is a computer software engineer.
(c) He is a librarian.
(d) He is a professor.

9. What do Isaac and Yagharek believe the larva will become when it emerges from its chrysalis?
(a) A shrieking creature.
(b) A flying creature.
(c) They have no idea what it will become.
(d) A swimming creature.

10. What part of the university does Isaac work for?
(a) The custodial department.
(b) The English department.
(c) The Physics department.
(d) The technics department.

11. What is Derkhan's last name?
(a) Whiteday.
(b) Blueday.
(c) Brownday.
(d) Greenday.

12. What color are the slake moth's claws?
(a) Black.
(b) Red.
(c) White.
(d) Gold.

13. How does the slake moth kill Dr. Barbile?
(a) By giving her allergic reaction.
(b) By smothering her with its wings.
(c) By sucking out her insides.
(d) By making a small cut that slowly drains out her blood.

14. After Lin eats colorberries, from which part of her body does she secrete them?
(a) From her fingertips.
(b) From her head.
(c) From her abdomen.
(d) From her bottom.

15. How does Isaac feel when he exits the Remade Garuda cage?
(a) Depressed.
(b) Bored.
(c) Enlightened.
(d) Terrified.

Short Answer Questions

1. How are Isaac and Lin related?

2. Why was Benjamin Flex arrested?

3. What is Lin's race?

4. What type of gun do most people in New Crobuzan carry with them at all times?

5. What subject does Isaac study in depth to help with his new assignment, Yagharek?

(see the answer keys)

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