Penny from Heaven Test | Final Test - Easy

Jennifer L. Holm
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Penny from Heaven Test | Final Test - Easy

Jennifer L. Holm
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What had the judge told Frankie the last time that he had appeared before the bench?
(a) That he needed to hire a lawyer.
(b) That he better not see him in court again.
(c) That he had a son who looked a lot like him (Frankie).
(d) That he would try him, even if he were a juvenile.

2. What does Uncle Ralphie give to Penny for her twelfth birthday?
(a) A pair of binoculars.
(b) A collection of baseball cards.
(c) A pecan roll.
(d) A set of tickets to the ball game.

3. What does Me-me fix for Penny's twelfth birthday breakfast?
(a) Apple strudel and pork sausage.
(b) Porridge with strawberries.
(c) Ham and eggs.
(d) Banana pancakes.

4. What, to Penny's surprise, does she find that she misses while she is in the hospital?
(a) Sitting in the Plymouth RoadKing with Uncle Dominic.
(b) Playing ball with Frankie.
(c) Me-me's banana pancakes.
(d) School.

5. What is Frankie going to attempt to do while carrying out his offer of help to Nonny?
(a) Listen to a ball game on the radio.
(b) Talk to his best buddy, Herbert on Nonny's telephone.
(c) Play a game of checkers with Penny.
(d) Look for money that has been stashed away by Grandpa Falucci.

6. Who whistles a birthday salute in song for Penny on her special day?
(a) Frankie.
(b) Uncle Salvatore.
(c) Cousin Benny.
(d) Uncle Dominic.

7. Which of the following activities does Penny find most exhausting during her stay at the hospital?
(a) Bathing.
(b) Using the bathroom.
(c) Physical therapy.
(d) Socializing with her visitors.

8. Why does Penny become the most popular person in her ward after visiting hours?
(a) Because she always has something interesting to say.
(b) Because she keeps snacks in her room.
(c) Because she has a radio.
(d) Because she has a television set.

9. Who slaps Uncle Dominic across the face while Penny is recuperating at the hospital?
(a) Uncle Ralphie.
(b) Nonny.
(c) Eleanor.
(d) Pop-pop.

10. What does the doctor tell Penny about her injured arm?
(a) That her recovery time will be between eight and ten weeks.
(b) That she will never be able to use her arm again.
(c) That he will have to take skin from her hip to patch up her arm.
(d) That he will not be able to perform surgery on her.

11. Which of the following items had Uncle Dominic given to Penny's father that created such a stir that resulted in Penny's father being sent to an internment camp in the state of Oklahoma where he eventually died?
(a) An Italian spy trade publication.
(b) A short wave radio.
(c) A telescope.
(d) A decoder.

12. Whom of the following asks a nurse whether Penny's father was really a spy?
(a) A man named Wade.
(b) A man named Winston.
(c) A man named Harvey.
(d) A man named Marvin.

13. Which of the following activities does Penny find difficult to do while she is in the hospital?
(a) Scratch.
(b) Turn her head to the left or right.
(c) See.
(d) Talk.

14. Whom of the following is the lifeguard on duty on the day that Penny and Frankie visit the public pool for a swim?
(a) Maury Gillette.
(b) Jack Teitelzweig.
(c) Bradley Pacer.
(d) Kenny Bates.

15. What is the name of Penny's doctor?
(a) Dr. Stewart.
(b) Dr. Updike.
(c) Dr. Goldstein.
(d) Dr. Boyle.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Frankie volunteer to do for Nonny?

2. What does Aunt Gina do for Penny upon her return home from the hospital?

3. What month of the year is underway when Frankie asks Penny to go to the public pool with him?

4. Which of the following is not among the gifts that Penny receives on her birthday?

5. Which of the following two questions is Penny being asked covertly every time that she is visited at the hospital by a friend or relative, and asked how she is feeling?

(see the answer keys)

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