Peer Gynt Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Peer Gynt Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Peer fight with while he is in a tree?
(a) Bees.
(b) Monkeys.
(c) A wild cat.
(d) Birds.

2. How does the Pen Man die?
(a) He hangs himself.
(b) He is shot.
(c) He is poisoned.
(d) He cuts his wrists.

3. Why does the dead man have to re-build his farm?
(a) It was burnt down.
(b) It was destroyed in a flood.
(c) It crumbled due to age.
(d) It blew over in a storm.

4. Where does Peer search for something to eat after the auction?
(a) The river.
(b) The forest.
(c) The church.
(d) The market.

5. Where does Solveig say Peer has been all these years?
(a) Searching for himself.
(b) Doing as he must.
(c) Out to sea.
(d) In her heart.

6. What does Peer do when he first sees Solveig at the end of the book?
(a) Falls on his knees.
(b) Faints.
(c) Cries and wails.
(d) Kisses her.

7. Peer is challenged in poem form spoken by ______________ in Act 4, Scene11.
(a) A snake.
(b) A statue.
(c) A tree.
(d) A cloud.

8. How does Peer describe his life after he is abandoned by Anitra in Act 4, Scene 1?
(a) Fulfilling.
(b) Empty.
(c) Lonely.
(d) Deceiving.

9. Peer become accepted as what after finding the robes?
(a) A prophet.
(b) A priest.
(c) A doctor.
(d) An emperor.

10. Peer tell the Lean Man he wants to keep what?
(a) His memories.
(b) His legacy.
(c) His fortune.
(d) His identity.

11. Where is Peer when he meets the button moulder?
(a) On the moor.
(b) On a ship.
(c) In the desert.
(d) In the forest.

12. What happens to Peer as he runs away from Solveig's hut again?
(a) He falls into a grave.
(b) He gets lost and confused.
(c) He has hallucinations.
(d) He hits his head and falls unconscious.

13. What is Peer clinging to after the ship has sunk?
(a) A board.
(b) A rock.
(c) A raft.
(d) A life boat.

14. Where does Peer go after Anitra leaves him?
(a) Sweden.
(b) Morocco.
(c) Egypt.
(d) America.

15. What does the stranger want done with his dead body?
(a) Eaten.
(b) Donated to science.
(c) Cremated.
(d) Buried on land.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Peer plan to do with the land he is on when he finds the robes?

2. What does Anitra strike Peer with?

3. Who does Peer think the Passenger is?

4. Who is the auction for?

5. How does Peer say people act when they are on ships?

(see the answer keys)

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