Peer Gynt Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Peer Gynt Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Peer's mother hopes something will happen to Peer during the wedding. What does she hope will happen?
(a) He gets beat.
(b) He runs away with the girl.
(c) He gets sent home.
(d) He has a good time.

2. Why does Peer think the boy does what he does at the beginning of Act 3?
(a) To avoid military service.
(b) To repent of some sins.
(c) To stage his own death.
(d) To feed a beast.

3. What does Peer say he could not do at the beginning of Act 3?
(a) Fake his own death.
(b) Stab himself in the leg on purpose.
(c) Skip his military duty.
(d) Cut off his own finger.

4. What is the punishment for the crime Peer committed after kidnapping Ingrid?
(a) Guillotine.
(b) Prison.
(c) Heavy fines.
(d) Hanging.

5. What does Peer brag about when he wakes up in Act 2, Scene 7?
(a) Escaping a prison.
(b) Being seduced by a princess.
(c) Defeating a Troll King.
(d) Killing the Boyg.

6. What frightens the King and the creatures fighting Peer?
(a) Horse hoofs.
(b) Sunrise.
(c) Clanging steel.
(d) Church bells.

7. Where does Ingrid plan to go after Peer kidnaps her?
(a) To England.
(b) To Peer's house.
(c) Back to town.
(d) To her father's house.

8. What did a preacher once say about Peer that made him cocky?
(a) His soul is pure.
(b) He has a golden heart.
(c) He is a strong lad.
(d) He has a sharp mind.

9. What does Peer say he feels for all women?
(a) Awe.
(b) Disdain.
(c) Hatred.
(d) Annoyance.

10. What does Peer talk to Aase about when he visits her in Act 3, Scene 4?
(a) His love for her.
(b) Her strength.
(c) His home in the woods.
(d) His childhood.

11. Who is the Troll Princess?
(a) Ingrid.
(b) The Woman in Green.
(c) Solveig.
(d) The farm girls.

12. What message does Peer send to Solveig with his gift?
(a) "Please forgive me."
(b) "Come back to me."
(c) "Don't forget me."
(d) "I know my heart now."

13. What does Peer's mother say she will never let happen to him?
(a) Get killed.
(b) Run away with the bride.
(c) Be shamed.
(d) Get married.

14. In Act 2, Scene 7, what does Solveig say gave Peer his freedom?
(a) The church bells.
(b) The rain.
(c) His inner goodness.
(d) Her prayers.

15. What does the King tell Peer he must renounce?
(a) His valor.
(b) His strongest desires.
(c) His family.
(d) The outside world.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the people of the kingdom want to do to Peer when he is introduced to the King?

2. Who does Peer hear talking as he is traveling during the second scene of the play?

3. What is Peer's alleged child told to do for Peer?

4. Who does Peer meet after his vision?

5. What does Peer see in his vision?

(see the answer keys)

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