Peace Child Test | Final Test - Medium

Don Richardson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Peace Child Test | Final Test - Medium

Don Richardson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the Sawi people call Jesus?
(a) Tahari Tamala, the spirit who rises again.
(b) Jesus the Tailor, the one who makes us new.
(c) Tawanda Tahoi, the one who is beyond reach.
(d) Tarap Tim Kodon, the perfect peace child.

2. What gifts are given among the Sawi people at this first Christmas?
(a) Gold coins.
(b) Sago, beetle grubs and wild pork.
(c) Bibles.
(d) Dugout canoes.

3. What two villages are fighting on the Tuan's doorstep?
(a) The Harasiomi and the Kaondahari are fighting.
(b) The Kamur and Haenam villages are in battle.
(c) The Kayangar and the Sawi are in battle.
(d) The Sawi are fighting the Tuan.

4. What happens to Er when he makes advances towards a girl?
(a) He is forced to marry the girl.
(b) She chases him into the river.
(c) Her male relatives shoot him with arrows.
(d) She accuses him of terrible things and he is banished.

5. How do the Sawi prepare a body for burial?
(a) Singe the skin with fire, cut off all the hair and disfigure the face.
(b) Wrap the body in a grass mat, bound with vines around the neck, wrist and ankles.
(c) Anoint it with fragrant oils.
(d) Coat it in thick mud and dry it in the sun.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Don Richardson's first order of business with the Sawi tribe?

2. Who comes in a dugout to help the stranded party?

3. In the story about Jesus, who do the Sawi admire?

4. In 1963 who does the Dutch government begin to give control of the Netherlands New Guinea to?

5. What does Hato say about God?

Short Essay Questions

1. What surprises Richardson about the Sawi language?

2. In May of 1963 what happened to the government of New Guinea?

3. What does Richardson see in the ritual of the Sawi peace child which gives him hope about sharing his Christian message with the villagers?

4. What is the Sawidome?

5. Why does Carol's warm wash water have black specks in it?

6. What have the Sawi built in the time after modern life and Christianity have come to them?

7. Who is Biakadon?

8. Why is the arrival of Hurip, the injured Kayagar, such a challenge?

9. What does Kimi come to do to Warahai?

10. When the Richardsons inform the Sawi leaders that they will be moving, what surprising response do they receive?

(see the answer keys)

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