Peace Child Test | Final Test - Easy

Don Richardson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Peace Child Test | Final Test - Easy

Don Richardson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Don Richardson believe the real battle is about?
(a) Between women and men.
(b) Between the modern world and the stone age world.
(c) Between the savagery and the gospel of peace.
(d) Between God and Satan.

2. In the Sawi language, how many tenses does each verb have?
(a) Each verb has 3 tenses.
(b) Each verb has 103 tenses.
(c) Each verb has only 1 tense.
(d) Each verb has 19 tenses.

3. Which two village groups need to make peace?
(a) Haenam and Kamur.
(b) Pirapum and Plactoman.
(c) Kayagar and Atum.
(d) Olada and Naydu.

4. How many pigs are being cooked on this first Christmas?
(a) Five hundred.
(b) Fifteen.
(c) Five.
(d) Fifty.

5. What does Richardson build after five years among the Sawi to replace his small thatchbox home?
(a) An underground bunker.
(b) A three-bedroom dwelling.
(c) A 14-bedroom hotel.
(d) A riverboat home.

6. What medicine do the Richardsons have which saves the lives of Mavu, Nair and Paha?
(a) Aspirin.
(b) Prayer.
(c) X-rays.
(d) Penicillin.

7. What machine does the Richardson family have that is very mysterious to the Sawi people?
(a) A blender.
(b) A gas-powered washing machine.
(c) A low flying helicopter.
(d) A food processor.

8. How do the Sawi prepare a body for burial?
(a) Coat it in thick mud and dry it in the sun.
(b) Anoint it with fragrant oils.
(c) Wrap the body in a grass mat, bound with vines around the neck, wrist and ankles.
(d) Singe the skin with fire, cut off all the hair and disfigure the face.

9. What do the women do during battle?
(a) The women shield the children.
(b) The women taunt their own men to be more brave.
(c) The women throw stones and sharp rocks at the enemy.
(d) The women curse and bang their pounding sticks on the ground.

10. How does Mavo respond to the protection and kindness which Richardson shows to him?
(a) Mavo promises he will follow the Richardsons anywhere.
(b) Mavo converts to Christianity that evening.
(c) Mavo gives Richardson one of his own children.
(d) Mavo leaves the area and travels to the nearest Dutch government outpost.

11. In 1963 who does the Dutch government begin to give control of the Netherlands New Guinea to?
(a) Through the United Nations they transfer control to Indonesian sovereignty.
(b) Through the Geneva Accord they give control to the Sawi.
(c) Through the World Court they give control to Australia.
(d) Through the League of Nations they give control to the United States.

12. What is Don Richardson most shocked to discover about the Sawi people?
(a) That they honor goodness and light.
(b) That they honor cruelty.
(c) That they eat no fruit.
(d) That they often get lost.

13. Why is it so important to Richardson that the patriarchs, the older men, convert to Christianity?
(a) Because the patriarchs can read and write and will spread the gospel.
(b) Because the patriarchs control all the money.
(c) Because Richardson believes only men can lead spiritually.
(d) Because the patriarchs of the tribe hold much influence over the rest of the people.

14. What are the two pillars Richardson refers to?
(a) The pillars of the Old Testament and the New Testament.
(b) The pillar of treacherous violence and the pillar of the peace child.
(c) The center two pillars which support the manhouse.
(d) The pillars of wealth and fame.

15. What insult is hurtled at a Haenam youth which almost starts a serious battle?
(a) He is called "lizard-skin."
(b) He is called "slow as mud."
(c) He is called "tuan like."
(d) He is called "weird old man."

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Don Richardson say to the battling warriors?

2. What problems does Richardson face personally as he starts his sixth month of living with the Sawi people?

3. Who is willing to give up his only son?

4. Who stands at the front of the battle, on the front line, so to speak?

5. What are the relatives of Warahai doing to his body now that they believe his soul has left?

(see the answer keys)

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