Pattern Recognition Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pattern Recognition Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Cayce realize?
(a) She's been duped.
(b) She's been bugged.
(c) She's been double crossed.
(d) She's been drugged.

2. What does Parkaboy reveal to Cayce?
(a) That the footage sites have been removed.
(b) That the photo of Keiko is an actual person.
(c) That Darryl is sick.
(d) That there is new footage.

3. What prompts Boone to call Bigend so that a meeting with Dorotea can be set up?
(a) He sees Dorotea outside Damien's flat.
(b) He finds a link between Dorotea and Cayce's muggers.
(c) He sees Cayce's muggers outside Damien's flat.
(d) He sees Dorotea meeting with Cayce's muggers.

4. Who does Cayce come face to face with at the President Hotel?
(a) Boone.
(b) Damien.
(c) Dorotea.
(d) Bigend.

5. Where is Ivy getting her information from?
(a) Boone.
(b) Bigend.
(c) Mama Anarchia - another F:F:F poster.
(d) Dorotea.

6. What does Parkaboy tell Cayce about where Judy is?
(a) She is on her way to Taki.
(b) She is at his place.
(c) She is still at Darryl's.
(d) She is at Blue Ant.

7. What does Damien e-mail to tell her they have found?
(a) A photograph of importance.
(b) A tank.
(c) An entire Stuka plane embedded in muck.
(d) A record of war.

8. What is an ofshornaya zona?
(a) Russia's global domain.
(b) Russia's oil source.
(c) Russia's offshore tax haven.
(d) Russia's capital.

9. What name is attached to the domain of the email Cayce sends her letter of introduction to?
(a) A N. Arakov.
(b) A.N. Polakov.
(c) A.P. Nolavok.
(d) P.N. Anakov.

10. What surprise does Bigend spring on her?
(a) He is sending her back to Japan.
(b) He has hired Dorotea.
(c) He has another contract for her.
(d) He is giving her a bonus.

11. What is the name of the man who comes out of Blue Ant as Cayce is going in?
(a) Dennis.
(b) Charles.
(c) Franco.
(d) Christian.

12. What does Cayce ask Voytek to do?
(a) Contact Hobbs for her.
(b) Find Ngemi.
(c) Go to Paris.
(d) Pick up Damien's keys again.

13. What is Stella's relationship to Nora?
(a) Father's sister.
(b) Grandmother.
(c) Mother's sister.
(d) Twin sister.

14. Who does Cayce talk to as she wanders through the wasteland?
(a) Damien.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Nora.
(d) Her father.

15. What does Hobbs give Cayce in return for the Curta?
(a) A name.
(b) A map.
(c) A Russian e-mail address.
(d) A telephone number.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Sigil Technologies?

2. Who takes Pamela Mainwaring's place, facilitating travel and other details for Bigend?

3. How does Cayce get over the razor wire fence?

4. How many people know that Cayce is on her way to Russia?

5. What does Cayce do after eating and drinking what she was brought?

(see the answer keys)

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