Pascali's Island Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pascali's Island Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the first person killed?

2. What does Pascali know about Izzet and Pasha regarding payment?

3. Why is Pascali depressed and anguished?

4. Upon what is Bowles' pretended offer of friendship to Pascali solely based?

5. When Pascali leads Izzet and the soldiers to the cove, who is dead?

Short Essay Questions

1. Summarize the interaction between Pascali and Bowles just before Pascali leaves the evacuation site and explain if you think Pascali intends to follow through on the agreement with Bowles.

2. What is some information that Pascali has learned in this section and do you think any of the information will determine a course of action for Pascali?

3. How does Pascali miss an important clue about Bowles because of Pascali's own desires?

4. Why do you think Pascali continues to let Bowles dictate the terms of their interaction?

5. What is odd about Pascali's reaction to Bowles's not showing up for the meeting?

6. What is ironic as Pascali reflects on whether to send this latest report to the Sultan?

7. In what position does Bowles place Pascali in not meeting with Izzet at the hotel and how is this ironic?

8. Why do you think Pascali blends reality and illusion to create realism in imaginary settings?

9. How does the symbolism in this section express the duality of the natures of both Bowles and Pascali?

10. In the end, what do you think Pascali is left with of any value?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The characters in Pascali's Island are the central focus of the novel; in other words, the characters drive the plot rather than the other way around as is the case in some novels. Choose one of the following questions and write a well-developed, cohesive essay using examples from the text and your research or personal experience:

1. Write an in-depth character analysis of Pascali. Include a physical description, personality traits, and what beliefs motivate him. What do you like and dislike about this character? Why? Give specific examples.

2. Write an in-depth character analysis of Bowles. Include a physical description, personality traits, and what beliefs motivate him. What do you like and dislike about this character? Why? Give specific examples.

3. Choose three other characters besides Pascali or Bowles and write about them in relationship to both Bowles and Pascali. Are they friendly or hostile to either main character? Explain with examples. What is their purpose(s) in the story?

Essay Topic 2

The theme of morality is introduced in Section 2 and is an integral part of understanding both the characters and the plot. Answer the following questions and write a well-developed, cohesive essay using examples from the text and your research or personal experience:

1. How would you define morality as it is used in this novel?

2. Do all the characters have the same definition of morality? How do the characters differ in the way they perceive morality and in how they perceive themselves as moral people?

3. How important is it to Bowles, Lydia, Pascali and Gesing that they are perceived as moral people? Give examples to illustrate each person's belief. How important is it to each of those characters that they are actually moral people? Is there a discrepancy? Why do you think this is?

Essay Topic 3

In section 8, at the church, the wax figure of the Saint is brought forward covered by a curtain, where priests prepare him for the reenactment of the Ascension. When the curtain is drawn back, the statue is standing, clothed in robes as has been enacted for years. However, on this day, something has gone wrong and the statue suddenly falls forward, striking the concrete and beheads itself. Choose one of the following and write a well-developed, cohesive essay using examples from the text and your research or personal experience:

1. In addition to much symbolism in this novel, there are also a number of metaphors. Define metaphor and symbolism and compare the two using specific examples both from the book and other sources. Which do you feel is more effective? Which seems better at expressing the idea of an abstract concept? Why would you use one over the other--give specific examples.

2. For what do you think this scene is a metaphor? Explain using specific examples. Does the metaphor work for you?

3. Write a real or hypothetical situation in your personal experience that includes one or more abstract concepts and then create a metaphor to express that experience. Next, choose a way to use symbolism in the telling of the experience. Which way seems more effective at portraying the experience?

(see the answer keys)

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