Pascali's Island Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pascali's Island Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. For how much does Bowles obtain the lease?

2. What does Bowles believe Germany should do?

3. Who has recently arrived by boat to the island?

4. Who does Pascali follow?

5. Why does a soldier point a rifle at Bowles?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is a theme that predominates this section?

2. Name a metaphor or symbol that occurs in this section and what it represents.

3. How is the concept of lighting discussed and interpreted by Pascali

4. If you were receiving Pascali's spy reports, how would you treat them?

5. What historical event is introduced in this section and how is it linked symbolically to the major plot?

6. Of what does Pascali warn the Sultan, which taken in historical retrospect is "bad advice"?

7. How is the theme of deceit demonstrated by Bowles during the transaction with Pasha?

8. In continuing his report to the Sultan, what parallels does Pascali note?

9. What does Bowles ostensibly say is his interest in the Sanctuary of Artemis?

10. Discuss the theme of jealousy as it particularly applies to Pascali.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

There are a number of themes that run as a thread throughout the novel. Choose one of the following questions and write a well-developed, cohesive essay using examples from the text and your research or personal experience:

1. Trace the development of the political theme. Use specific examples to illustrate how this theme is expressed. Analyze the examples and offer an analysis of the existing political situation during this novel.

2. Trace the development of the theme of duality. Use specific examples to illustrate how this theme is expressed. Analyze the examples and offer an analysis of the how the concept of duality manifest in character personalities and in the physical setting.

3. Trace the development of the theme of deception. Use specific examples to illustrate how this theme is expressed. Analyze the examples and offer an analysis as to why this theme is central to the novel's plot.

Essay Topic 2

In Section 10, Bowles suggests he is working for another party, a fact that Pascali nearly misses in his desire for money. Pascali's failure to note this detail with more attention shows his deep desire to escape the island, as he is willing to believe anything for an opportunity of a better life. Answer the following questions by writing a well-developed, cohesive essay using examples from the text, your research or personal experience:

1. List some of the reasons Pascali thinks he has a terrible life on the island. Do you think his reasons are valid?

2. Do you think Pascali could have improved his life on the island? How? Why do you think he has not?

3. In Section 6, Pascali thinks eats grapes and halvah and realizes he loves them both, as he loves the island. This seems contradictory to his sometimes desperate desire to leave the island. Discuss how Pascali can both love and hate the island and his life there.

Essay Topic 3

In Section 16, the final section of the book, Pascali ends his report with a rather horrific recounting of the deaths of Bowles, Lydia, Smith and six others. Answer the following questions by writing a well-developed, cohesive essay using examples from the text, your research or personal experience:

1. Do you think Bowles, Lydia and Smith and the workers deserve their fates? Why or why not?

2. Would Bowles have still attempted to steal the statue had he known there was the possibility of it ending as it did? What might Bowles has said to Lydia with his dying breath? Is he responsible for her death? Or is she totally responsible by the choices she makes?

3. Who is most to blame for all these death? Pasha? Bowles? The Rebels? Pascali? Or is each of them partially to blame? Explain.

(see the answer keys)

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