Pascali's Island Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pascali's Island Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why are Pasha and Izzet caught in a must-pay situation?
(a) They know Bowles has the contacts to have them killed.
(b) Because Bowles has kidnapped a child of each of them and holds the child against payment.
(c) Not to pay would mean involvement by authorities which would betray their secret.
(d) They do not have to pay; they know the authorities will believe them over Bowles.

2. What is Mannfeldt?
(a) A city in Germany.
(b) A ship in the harbor of the island.
(c) A book by Kant.
(d) An armament firm of Germany.

3. What does Pascali find Bowles doing at the excavation site?
(a) Unearthing a bronze statue.
(b) Smashing many artifacts.
(c) Burying the gold bracelet.
(d) Sleeping.

4. About what does Pascali warn Bowles?
(a) That Pasha has set up an ambush at the site.
(b) That someone is stalking Bowles.
(c) That they are both likely to lose their heads if things are not resolved very soon.
(d) That Izzet has secretly called in the Sultan's assassin.

5. How is Bowles killed?
(a) Lydia kills him before she dies.
(b) He is not killed.
(c) The statue crushes him.
(d) One of the soldiers stabs him with his bayonet.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Pascali insist to Bowles about the church service?

2. How would this trait that Bowles sees in Pascali help Bowles?

3. What does Pascali say of Bowles's speech patterns?

4. Who is Bowles supposed to meet with at the opening of this section?

5. Why is Pascali depressed and anguished?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do you think Pascali blends reality and illusion to create realism in imaginary settings?

2. In the end, what do you think Pascali is left with of any value?

3. What do you think is a possible instance of foreshadowing in this section?

4. In what position does Bowles place Pascali in not meeting with Izzet at the hotel and how is this ironic?

5. Summarize the interaction between Pascali and Bowles just before Pascali leaves the evacuation site and explain if you think Pascali intends to follow through on the agreement with Bowles.

6. Summarize the interaction between Pascali and Bowles and one probable hidden meaning.

7. How does Pascali now see Bowles and how might that insight be both inaccurate and dangerous?

8. How does the symbolism in this section express the duality of the natures of both Bowles and Pascali?

9. Explain what Pascali has figured out and how Bowles fits into the picture.

10. What does Pascali take from Bowles' room and why does this show a different side of Pascali?

(see the answer keys)

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