Pascali's Island Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pascali's Island Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Bowles refuse the offer?
(a) Because he is greedy.
(b) Because he has to pay Pascali out of that.
(c) He says he has had to stop his research and that does not cover his expenses.
(d) Because he thinks they will not honor their offer.

2. For what purpose would he do the answer to question #97?
(a) To see Lydia turn away from Bowles.
(b) To get off the island.
(c) To get a lot of money.
(d) To see Bowles humiliated.

3. Who is Bowles supposed to meet with at the opening of this section?
(a) Pascali.
(b) Pasha.
(c) Izzet.
(d) Lydia.

4. What kind of image does Pascali think Bowles projects?
(a) A dedicated amatuer scientist.
(b) A sophisticated, yet jaded, businessman.
(c) One of decency, morality, and ethics.
(d) A bit of a fop.

5. How does Bowles envision the bronze statue he finds?
(a) On a platform in the harbor.
(b) Placed into a museum with a plaque bearing his name.
(c) He has no plans for the statue.
(d) Erected at the Sanctuary of Artimes.

6. What does Bowles say about the stranger with whom he was speaking?
(a) Nothing.
(b) That he is a German.
(c) That he comes from Istanbul.
(d) That he is an American.

7. How much does Izzet then offer?
(a) Nothing.
(b) 700 liras, which is what Bowles initially asks for.
(c) 600 lira, 50 of which will pay Bowles for his time already spent.
(d) 800 liras.

8. Who is Pasha deceiving?
(a) The empire.
(b) Pascali.
(c) Bowles.
(d) The English.

9. What does Izzet say he knows about Bowles?
(a) That Bowles and Smith are associated.
(b) That Bowles does have an advance degree in archeology.
(c) That Bowles has a wife arriving on the next boat.
(d) That Bowles used to work for Scotland Yard.

10. What did Pascali fear until recently?
(a) Death.
(b) Pasha.
(c) Izzet.
(d) The Sultan.

11. What does Pascali learn about the phrase "terra rossa"?
(a) That there is actually no such material.
(b) That it is bauxite, a non-plastic, clay-like material, generally red in color.
(c) That it is slightly radioactive.
(d) That it is only used in very primative cultures for making wood-fired dishes.

12. Who does Bowles leave to meet?
(a) Izzet.
(b) Smith.
(c) No one.
(d) Marchant and Lydia.

13. What is the likely reason Bowles has suddenly brought up the presence of the soldiers?
(a) Because he wants to discomfit Pasha.
(b) As a stalling tactic.
(c) As more leverage.
(d) To be doubly obnoxious.

14. What view of the world do Bowles and Pascali have in common?
(a) One of the idea of parallels and symbolism.
(b) To take care of number one first.
(c) That the world does not care who it deceives as long as they have money.
(d) That everyone has a price.

15. How much does Izzet offer Bowles?
(a) 200 liras.
(b) 500 liras.
(c) 300 liras.
(d) 400 liras.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Pascali see as he's walking home through the market?

2. What does Bowles ask of Pascali?

3. How would this trait that Bowles sees in Pascali help Bowles?

4. Who does Pascali meet in the hotel lobby?

5. What does Hogan think "terra rossa" means?

(see the answer keys)

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