Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Victor Martinez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Victor Martinez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 219 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Manny decide to head back home after his altercation with the Garcia brothers was over?
(a) He did not want to risk running into the Garcia brothers again.
(b) He wanted to ask Magda for advice about what had happened.
(c) He wanted to see if his parents were still fighting.
(d) He wanted to nurse his wounds.

2. Where did Rebecca tell Magda to go once she and Manny had returned home from the pool hall?
(a) To her friend Linda's house.
(b) In the back bedroom to watch Pedi.
(c) To the pool hall.
(d) To their neighbor Sophie's house.

3. When Manny's mother pressed her hands down onto Manny's shoulders, what was the scent coming from her hands?
(a) Rosewater.
(b) Lavender.
(c) Bleach.
(d) Ammonia.

4. When Manny and Rebecca got to the pool hall to find Manuel, who told Rebecca that Manuel had already gone home?
(a) Mr. Sanchez.
(b) Rico.
(c) Manny.
(d) The Garcia brothers.

5. Though kids were not allowed at the pool hall, where was Manny sometimes allowed to sit in order to wait for his dad?
(a) In the kitchen next to the dishwasher.
(b) In the men's room.
(c) On a stool at the far end of the bar.
(d) At a picnic table just outside the front doors.

6. What special talent did Nardo's grandmother claim that he had?
(a) An ability to use any ingredients to make a superb meal.
(b) A knack for getting people to like him.
(c) A sixth sense for seeing trouble coming.
(d) A marvelous work ethic.

7. Who was left in the house when Manuel finally came home from his drinking binge?
(a) Manny and Pedi.
(b) Manny.
(c) Manny and Rebecca.
(d) Manny, Pedi, and Rebecca.

8. What item did Manny have his eye on that caused him to want to work in the fields to earn money?
(a) A baseball outfielder's glove.
(b) A batting glove.
(c) A set of shin guards.
(d) A baseball bat.

9. What reasons did Manny give for he and Nardo being slow at picking chili peppers?
(a) Their row was too low to the ground, so they had to squat uncomfortably in order to pick the peppers.
(b) They were unaccustomed to the heat of the day, so sweat kept running in their eyes and blinding them.
(c) Nardo kept stopping to watch the girls at the weighing area, and Manny kept stopping to watch the other pickers' quickness.
(d) They had not yet learned the proper techniques of picking peppers.

10. Why did Manny decide against calling his dad for a ride home from his school?
(a) Because his brother Nardo was more likely to give him a ride.
(b) Because he knew his father was probably at Rico's Pool Hall.
(c) Because Manny thought his dad would have a hangover and would be mad at him for calling.
(d) Because he was embarrassed by his father's dilapidated car.

11. What did Manuel do when Mr. Hart moved to shake his hand?
(a) He shook his hand and greeted him warmly.
(b) He motioned that his hands were dirty from picking mint.
(c) He turned his back on Mr. Hart.
(d) He ignored Mr. Hart's hand.

12. When Manuel was trying to shoot Rebecca, what alerted Manny to the fact that the police had arrived?
(a) Sophie screaming that the police were coming.
(b) Police lights.
(c) The sound of deeply-threaded tires against asphalt.
(d) Police sirens.

13. When he watches the way that the Mexican man in the next row over moves gracefully and efficiently while picking peppers, at what job did Manny say the man would excel?
(a) Shortstop.
(b) Conductor.
(c) Ballerina.
(d) Engineer.

14. Manny told Manuel that if he shot Rebecca, he would be thrown in jail. Manny asked Manuel to think of what would happen to Manuel's children then. Manuel replies that he only cares about one family member. Who is it?
(a) Magda.
(b) Rebecca.
(c) Manny.
(d) Pedi.

15. Though Manny described the houses in their project development as being not "pretty or stylish" (23) he said that sometimes they had one quality that made them beautiful. What was that one quality?
(a) In the summer, the lawn sprinklers gave their yards a festive atmosphere.
(b) In the fall, the golden leaves turned their yards brilliant colors.
(c) In the spring, the grass was green and abundant.
(d) In the winter, the mulberry trees lost their leaves and gave a stately air to the houses' yards.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Mr. Hart left, Manny felt how angry Manuel was and he wanted to run away. What prevented him from running away?

2. What did Manny do in Mr. Hart's office when Mr. Hart motioned for him to sit down?

3. How did Manny signal to Mr. Hart that he had enough money for school supplies?

4. What occasions did Manny mention were the only times he had been to the middle-class neighborhoods across town?

5. How did Nardo end up as the victor in the fight over the sacks of peppers in the row next to his?

(see the answer keys)

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