Paradise Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Paradise Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tells Patricia of what K.D. and Arnette are expecting?
(a) Connie.
(b) Billie.
(c) Richard Misner.
(d) Lone DuPres.

2. What did the nuns operate at the convent before loosing funding?
(a) A recycling plant.
(b) A soup kitchen.
(c) A school for girls.
(d) A homeless shelter.

3. Why does Lone believe that the women of the Convent could not possibly be responsible for the handicaps of the Fleetwood children?
(a) Lone believes that the women of the Convent are perfect and can do no wrong.
(b) Lone knows that she alone is responsible.
(c) The cancerous growths of the children are from uranium, and the women of the convent do not have access to uranium.
(d) The first of the children were born before the women arrived at the Convent.

4. What was the occupation of the woman who took care of Lone after Lone's mother died?
(a) Baker.
(b) MIdwife.
(c) Textile worker.
(d) Teacher.

5. Who does Pallas believe she should contact?
(a) Her high school guidance counselor.
(b) The police.
(c) Her old boyfriend.
(d) Her father.

6. What does Soane want Connie to help her with?
(a) She wants to learn how to use an abacus.
(b) She wants to be rid of her unborn child.
(c) She wants help finding an escaped goat.
(d) She wants to learn food preservation techniques.

7. Consolata is known to the people of Ruby by what name?
(a) Ruby.
(b) Toni.
(c) Lata.
(d) Connie.

8. What sort of family did Pallas come from?
(a) Wealthy.
(b) Immigrant.
(c) Poor.
(d) Mafia.

9. Why is Richard concerned about Billie?
(a) She seems to be involved in a dispute among the Poole family.
(b) She was last seen with a known criminal.
(c) She is a suspect in the robbery.
(d) Her name came up in a recent police investigation.

10. Who did Billie first turn to after the violent argument with her mother?
(a) Anna Flood.
(b) Mavis.
(c) Toni.
(d) K.D.

11. What does Connie realize about Pallas before even Pallas knows?
(a) Pallas has smallpox.
(b) Pallas is pregnant.
(c) Pallas will rule the Convent.
(d) Pallas wants to kill Connie.

12. Richard thinks that the older men of Ruby constantly tell stories of ancestor's efforts to found a town but never tell of what?
(a) Where the ancestors hid the gold.
(b) The women who assisted them.
(c) How they moved livestock.
(d) Their own efforts.

13. What had happened to Lone's birth mother before the group headed to Ruby arrived?
(a) She had been elected to county office.
(b) She died.
(c) She had won the state fair quilting contest.
(d) She had contracted typhoid.

14. How does Lone feel about the young couples' tendency to go to hospitals to deliver their babies?
(a) Elated.
(b) Relieved that they are finally taking medical care seriously.
(c) Rejected.
(d) Indifferent so long as she receives her tax refund on time.

15. What does Arnette bring to the Convent after her wedding?
(a) Leftover flowers.
(b) Her ruined dress.
(c) Wedding cake.
(d) A gun.

Short Answer Questions

1. What in the basement attracts Connie?

2. Who is Arnette's maid of honor?

3. The group that first arrived to found the town of Ruby shared a common dislike for what other group?

4. Why are some of the older residents of Ruby unhappy with Richard Misner?

5. What was the name of the woman who took care of Lone after Lone's mother died?

(see the answer keys)

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