Paradise Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Paradise Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The story opens with the following words:
(a) "They shot the white girl first."
(b) "No one had any idea how terribly wrong the confrontation could go."
(c) "The women of the Convent would be forever damned."
(d) "They shot the black girl first."

2. Why is Connie so upset when Gigi first meets her?
(a) The old woman that Connie has tended has died.
(b) Someone stole Connie's tea making machines.
(c) A tornado has ruined Connie's garden.
(d) Connie thinks Gigi is a voodoo priestess.

3. What does the woman who hires Seneca claim she needs?
(a) A cook.
(b) A typist.
(c) A model for her painting.
(d) A live-in nurse.

4. What does Mavis do to the Cadillac in Newark?
(a) She trades it for a bus ticket.
(b) She sets it on fire to conceal the evidence.
(c) She has it painted.
(d) She sells it to a gangster.

5. Who did Connie have an affair with?
(a) Deek Morgan.
(b) Steward Morgan.
(c) Frank Albright.
(d) K.D. Morgan.

6. What is Gigi searching for when she arrives in Ruby?
(a) A mountain that looks like two lovers locked in embrace.
(b) Her birth mother.
(c) Mavis's Cadillac.
(d) Employment.

7. Why is the friendship between Connie and Soane surprising?
(a) Connie had an affair with Soane's husband.
(b) Connie is an extreme racist, and Soane is black.
(c) Soane often steals money from Connie.
(d) Connie and Soane competed for the same job at the textile factory.

8. What does Sweetie believe she hears during the night?
(a) A spotted owl.
(b) A band practicing.
(c) Crying children.
(d) Gunfire.

9. Who takes Mavis to get gasoline for her car?
(a) Connie.
(b) Frank.
(c) Toni.
(d) Soane.

10. Where do Seneca and Sweetie walk together?
(a) In the garden.
(b) To the community oven.
(c) To the well.
(d) The Convent.

11. What about Gigi initially shocks Mavis upon Mavis's return to the Convent?
(a) Gigi looks exactly like Mavis's daughter Sal.
(b) Gigi is setting fire to Connie's garden.
(c) Gigi carries a live rattlesnake.
(d) Gigi is naked.

12. What does the young man who walks into Anna's store seek?
(a) Bargain liquor.
(b) A job.
(c) The justice of the peace.
(d) Medicine for a baby and directions.

13. What were the names of Soane and Deek's sons?
(a) Arthur and Benjamin.
(b) Bernard and Arthur.
(c) Jeff and David.
(d) Easter and Scout.

14. What had the driver not previously known he was carrying?
(a) Illegal aliens.
(b) Radioactive coal.
(c) Drugs.
(d) Seneca.

15. At the Convent, what does Roger load into his vehicle?
(a) Sacks of grain.
(b) Seventeen bags of rice.
(c) A body.
(d) Vegetables from Connie's garden.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mavis do upon first seeing Gigi?

2. What does Mavis come to believe about her husband's and children's intentions toward her?

3. The men who visit the Convent believe that there are none of what type of women in the town of Ruby?

4. Why have the men come to the Convent?

5. Who does K.D. blame for Arnette's pregnancy?

(see the answer keys)

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