Papillon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Papillon Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Papillon learns that the convoy to which prison will leave in two days?
(a) Salpetriere.
(b) Saint Martin in Chains.
(c) Saint-Pierre-De-Re.
(d) Saint-Martin-De-Re.

2. Why does Papillon ingest the picric acid?
(a) To stop hunger pangs.
(b) To treat gonorrhea.
(c) To lose weight.
(d) To get transferred to the hospital.

3. What is Papillon not allowed to do in solitary?
(a) Smoke cigarettes.
(b) Read the Bible.
(c) Sing.
(d) Talk to anyone.

4. Who is the young man in #40?
(a) Morel.
(b) Maturette.
(c) Molyneux.
(d) Michaud.

5. Which prisoner breaks his leg in the escape?
(a) Clousiot.
(b) Julot.
(c) Maturette.
(d) Papillon.

6. Papillon's friends smuggled in a coconut and _______________ for him every day in solitary.
(a) Cigarettes.
(b) Wine.
(c) Whiskey.
(d) Fish.

7. What does Papillon show the man in #29 to indicate that Papillon is protecting Galgani?
(a) A glass shard.
(b) A lancet.
(c) A syringe.
(d) A needle.

8. What does Papillon realize about the boat to be used in the escape?
(a) It is not sufficient to carry them to sea.
(b) There are no oars with it.
(c) It is white and will be spotted easily.
(d) It is leaking in several places.

9. Papillon makes friends with a fellow prisoner who helps get Papillon _______________________.
(a) Better food.
(b) An earlier release date.
(c) Returned to the general population.
(d) Some different clothes.

10. Which prisoner takes great interest in Papillon's escape plan?
(a) Jean Chen.
(b) Johannes Broussard.
(c) Joanes Clousiot.
(d) Jacques Chevalier.

11. What assistance does Trinidad's navy offer to Papillon and Maturette?
(a) To refit their boat.
(b) To give them nautical maps.
(c) To take them to South America.
(d) To give them a bigger boat.

12. Why are Papillon and Clousiot unable to make their escape from Colombia?
(a) They break bones when they jump off a wall.
(b) They get malaria and go out of their minds.
(c) They are too weak from starvation.
(d) They both get dysentery and cannot walk.

13. For what crime is Papillon on trial?
(a) Robbery.
(b) Fraud.
(c) Kidnapping.
(d) Murder.

14. One of the men in Papillon's group grew up at the bagne and is ___________________.
(a) a minister's son.
(b) a judge's son.
(c) a prison guard's son.
(d) a cook's son.

15. Why is Clousiot hospitalized on the island?
(a) For a broken leg.
(b) For dysentery.
(c) For tuberculosis.
(d) For malaria.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT something Papillon and the others procure in Ile aux Pigeons?

2. What happens when coconuts are withheld from Papillon for awhile?

3. Who calls the police because he has been told that Papillon has stolen money?

4. What is stuck to the bowl that the leper, Toussaint, hands to Papillon?

5. How old is Papillon when the book begins?

(see the answer keys)

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