Panzer Leader Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Panzer Leader Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What Russian city did the German Army General Staff still hope that Guderian could take as late as November of 1941?

2. At the time of Germany's invasion of Russia, how many tanks were produced yearly in Germany?

3. What prevented Guderian from taking advantage of his right to choose property in Germany?

4. Why was Guderian gratified to reach Kulm?

5. In what branch was Guderian called to serve in 1921?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Germany prepare to counter the T34 tank?

2. Why was Hitler affected by his visit to Linz?

3. What was the reaction in the Sudetenland when German motorized troops arrived?

4. How did Guderian's military career change in 1921?

5. In 1933, how did the various leaders of the German military feel about tanks?

6. Why did Guderian believe France wanted to avoid real fighting?

7. When and by whom were tanks first introduced?

8. What argument did Guderian have with the German high command about how to prevent the Russians from forming a defensive line?

9. Why did von Kluge threaten to court-martial Guderian and Hoth?

10. As of March 1942, how was Germany governed?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

During the time Guderian was dismissed from active service, the German armored forces fell into disarray. The Panther and Tiger tanks were introduced, with limited initial success. As divisions were destroyed and tanks fell into disrepair, the entire armored forces threatened to collapse.

1) Explain why the Tiger and Panther tanks were developed and discuss Guderian's opinion as to why they were not initially very effective.

2) Discuss the problems that German tank production, maintenance, and repair faced as the war progressed.

3) Describe some of the problems in organization that faced the German armored forces. How did these circumstances differ from those at the outset of the war?

Essay Topic 2

Hitler's plan for the invasion of Russia assumed the campaign would be concluded before the next winter, an assumption that proved to be disastrously wrong. As the Russian winter set in, the organization of German forces fell apart and the army suffered major setbacks and defeats.

1) Explain some of the problems in Germany's preparations for the Russian winter.

2) Discuss the difficulties the Russian winter presented the German army with.

3) Describe the ways the Russian forces took advantage of German disorganization during this time.

4) Summarize the impact of the Russian winter on German morale and war-fighting capability.

Essay Topic 3

Coming from an unimportant family and rising out of the junior officer corps, Guderian did not have a long-standing relationship with Hitler. However, Guderian's natural talents eventually caused him to be drawn into the Fuhrer's inner circle. Guderian developed strong feelings about Hitler as a leader and his influence on the war and the German people.

1) Trace the course of Guderian and Hitler's relationship through the end of the war. Describe how Guderian was first introduced to this leader and how he gained Hitler's confidence.

2) Explain in detail the major conflicts that occurred between these individuals.

3) Discuss what Guderian believed to be Hitler's most important strengths and weaknesses.

(see the answer keys)

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