Panzer Leader Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Panzer Leader Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What disadvantage did the Russians face in their defense of the region around Smolensk?

2. What company worked hard to produce huge and unusual tank designs?

3. What resource in Czechoslovakia proved to be somewhat useful for Germany?

4. Guderian suggested a plan for the Western campaign that had what characteristic?

5. What achievement was Hitler astonished to discover when he visited the troops in Poland?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the Schlieffen Plan for the invasion of France.

2. What was Guderian's military service before World War I?

3. Describe the plan advocated by Field Marshall Manstein for the invasion of France.

4. Why did the German forces face difficulties during the first winter of the Russian campaign.

5. When and by whom were tanks first introduced?

6. Why did Guderian believe France wanted to avoid real fighting?

7. Why was Hitler affected by his visit to Linz?

8. What happened to the rest of Czechoslovakia after Germany occupied the Sudetenland?

9. Describe the basic components of a Panzer division.

10. What diplomatic event immediately proceeded the invasion of Poland?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

As the war wound down and allied forces converged on the heart of Germany, Hitler and his top advisers refused to admit defeat and repeatedly neglected to agree to armistices. This refusal cost the lives of a huge number of soldiers and civilians.

1) Explain the opportunities Hitler had to surrender to the allies on reasonable terms. Include examples of suggestions made by both the allies and by other German leaders.

2) Discuss the reasons Hitler and his advisers refused to surrender until the war was completely and hopelessly lost.

3) Explain some of the consequences of this refusal, including the loss of life and the increasingly desperate situation for German civilians.

Essay Topic 2

Coming from an unimportant family and rising out of the junior officer corps, Guderian did not have a long-standing relationship with Hitler. However, Guderian's natural talents eventually caused him to be drawn into the Fuhrer's inner circle. Guderian developed strong feelings about Hitler as a leader and his influence on the war and the German people.

1) Trace the course of Guderian and Hitler's relationship through the end of the war. Describe how Guderian was first introduced to this leader and how he gained Hitler's confidence.

2) Explain in detail the major conflicts that occurred between these individuals.

3) Discuss what Guderian believed to be Hitler's most important strengths and weaknesses.

Essay Topic 3

After dealing with France, Hitler turned his attention to Russia. He devised another daring plan for quickly annexing an entire nation through a focus on mobile warfare and rapid advances. The initial attacks took the Russian completely by surprise and resulted in huge territorial gains by the Germans. However, the Russians quickly reorganized and began to push the German army back.

1) Explain Hitler's plan for attack against Russia. What were the major strategic goals of the plan? How did Hitler intend to overcome the massive Russian advantage in manpower? What were to be the final goals of the invasion?

2) Summarize the course of the invasion of Russia.

3) Discuss the important strategic decision whether to attack Moscow or Kiev first. What has Hitler's final decision, and what motivated it?

4) Discuss the impact of the T34 tank on the war. How did the Germans respond to this threat?

5) Explain some of the major factors that led to the turn-around of Germany's success in Russia.

(see the answer keys)

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