Panzer Leader Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Panzer Leader Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where were soldiers sent after being tried at the Court of Honor?
(a) The Reichstag.
(b) The Grand Court.
(c) The German Civil Court.
(d) The People's Court.

2. Guderian claimed that Himmler has strange fantasies about the German people colonizing what area?
(a) Russia.
(b) England.
(c) America.
(d) France.

3. In Guderian's story about the Court of Honor, what happened to the soldier, which gave the other soldier the chance to kill himself?
(a) He was killed under mysterious circumstances.
(b) He was demoted.
(c) He went free.
(d) He was shot for treason.

4. Which of the following does Guderian NOT cite as a reason for Hitler's declining capabilities?
(a) His drug use.
(b) His lack of personal connections.
(c) His tendency to stay up late.
(d) His advanced age.

5. Guderian was horrified when the command of the newly formed Army Group Vistula was given to what commander?
(a) Rommel.
(b) Model.
(c) Goering.
(d) Himmler.

6. What did Dr. Geordeler want Guderian to help him with?
(a) A revolutionary tank design.
(b) A technical problem in production.
(c) A plan to put Hitler under arrest.
(d) A major reorganization of the panzer division.

7. What was the German General Staff's opinion towards entering the war?
(a) They were overconfident in German capabilities.
(b) They were happy to avoid war.
(c) They were eager to enter a war.
(d) They were unsure of German capabilities.

8. How did most of the younger officers in the German General Staff react to the Nazi's rise to power?
(a) They were frightened.
(b) They prepared to oppose them.
(c) They were excited.
(d) They left the country.

9. On July 18th, Guderian received a report that von Kluge intended to do what?
(a) Surrender his forces.
(b) Declare an armistice in the West.
(c) Defect to the allies.
(d) Launch a huge offensive.

10. What was Guderian's primary concern, following the assassination attempt of July 20th?
(a) Proving his innocence.
(b) Organizing tank production.
(c) Protecting Hitler.
(d) Defending East Prussia.

11. What did Guderian convince Himmler to do?
(a) Surrender his forces.
(b) Turn himself in for arrest.
(c) Endorse Guderian for a promotion.
(d) Give up his military post.

12. Guderian described Hitler as being brave in what situations?
(a) When facing significant opposition.
(b) During the planning of attacks.
(c) When things looked worst.
(d) During the execution of offensives.

13. What happened to Guderian when the OKH was bombed?
(a) He lost his leg.
(b) He barely escaped injury.
(c) He lost his hearing.
(d) His wife was killed.

14. What German military leader held the same position as Keitel and shared a similar fate?
(a) Wenck.
(b) Jodl.
(c) Von Brauchitsch.
(d) Dieter.

15. Why was Guderian interrogated following the evacuation of Warsaw?
(a) He refused to engage the Russians.
(b) He botched the evacuation.
(c) He organized the evacuation.
(d) He defended the officers responsible.

Short Answer Questions

1. Guderian estimated the war could only continue for a few more weeks if what critical area was taken?

2. What was Guderian's assessment of Goering's leadership?

3. What did Guderian think about the bomb plot?

4. What problem did the German General Staff face after 1933?

5. Guderian advocated what defensive strategy for the Eastern front?

(see the answer keys)

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