Panzer Leader Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Panzer Leader Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What occurred in Romania, following the routing of the German-allied Romanian troops?
(a) A communist revolution.
(b) A coup d'etat.
(c) An armistice.
(d) A guerrilla war.

2. What did Hitler order Guderian to do after their final confrontation?
(a) Lead a suicide attack.
(b) Go on a six-week leave.
(c) Surrender.
(d) Kill himself.

3. What German forces were engaged in the Ardennes Offensive?
(a) The XIX corps.
(b) Two panzer armies.
(c) Ten motorized infantry divisions.
(d) Five panzer corps.

4. Where did Rommel believe the Allies would make their major amphibious invasion?
(a) The mouth of the Somme.
(b) Brest.
(c) Brittany.
(d) The Netherlands.

5. How did most of the younger officers in the German General Staff react to the Nazi's rise to power?
(a) They were excited.
(b) They left the country.
(c) They were frightened.
(d) They prepared to oppose them.

6. Which of the following does NOT correctly describe the Waffen-SS?
(a) Paratroopers.
(b) Hitler's bodyguards.
(c) Mass murderers.
(d) Elite infantry.

7. What did von Kluge do after he was replaced by Model?
(a) He requested a reassingment.
(b) He tried to take Guderian down with him.
(c) He formally protested.
(d) He killed himself.

8. What did Guderian claim about the Government Cabinet?
(a) It controlled more of Germany than most suspect.
(b) It instigated many of Germany's war crimes.
(c) It only existed on paper; it had no real members.
(d) It never met after 1938.

9. The tradition of the German General Staff dated back to the leadership of what nation?
(a) The Holy German Empire.
(b) Sudetenland.
(c) Austria.
(d) Prussia.

10. What did Guderian do during his final meeting with the Fuhrer that upset Hitler significantly?
(a) He demanded Germany surrender.
(b) He recommended a separate peace.
(c) He suggested a defensive strategy.
(d) He contradicted Hitler.

11. Guderian described Hitler as being prone to panic in what situations?
(a) When things began to go wrong.
(b) After an offensive failed.
(c) When his advisers turned against him.
(d) When his forces were outnumbered.

12. What force catpured Guderian?
(a) The Russians.
(b) The English.
(c) The Americans.
(d) The French.

13. Who originated the term "Blitzkrieg"?
(a) Guderian.
(b) Hitler.
(c) The allies.
(d) The German General Staff.

14. Guderian described Hitler as being brave in what situations?
(a) During the execution of offensives.
(b) When things looked worst.
(c) When facing significant opposition.
(d) During the planning of attacks.

15. What happened when Guderian was called to meet with Hitler, following the assassination attempt of July 20th?
(a) He was threatened with arrest.
(b) He was demoted.
(c) He was transfered to a new command.
(d) He was promoted.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many panzer divisions did Guderian manage to scrape together for the Western front?

2. What new commander of Army Group Vistula was ordered to relieve a surrounded fortress?

3. Why was Guderian interrogated following the evacuation of Warsaw?

4. Which of the following best describes the relationship that existed between the German General Staff and the Weimar Republic?

5. When Guderian was promoted to Inspector-General of the Armored Troops, the German infantry largely lacked what vital weapon?

(see the answer keys)

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