Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Pamela feel when the young ladies from the gentry invite her to join them for dinner?
(a) She knows they are ridiculing her.
(b) She feels unworthy of them.
(c) She dislikes being with them.
(d) She feels comfortable with them.

2. In Section 11, which character is clearly opposed to the marriage between Mrs. B and Pamela?
(a) Mr. Williams.
(b) Mrs. Andrews.
(c) Mrs. Jervis.
(d) Lady Davers.

3. When Pamela becomes aware of this source of opposition to her marriage, why is she very worried?
(a) Because of the impact on her father.
(b) Because of the negative impact it will have on Mr. B's relationships.
(c) Because she hopes that everyone will be supportive.
(d) Because she doesn't want any disagreements with Mr. B and this person.

4. What condition does Mr. B impose when he tells Pamela that she can let her parents know about the marriage?
(a) She must insist that they invite no relatives on their side.
(b) They must move to his estate immediately.
(c) She must explain that they cannot attend.
(d) She must ensure that they keep it a secret.

5. How does Pamela react after she overhears the conversation between Mrs. Jewkes and Mr. B?
(a) She falls to her knees and thanks Mr. B.
(b) She storms out and goes home.
(c) She is angry with Mrs. Jewkes.
(d) She angrily attacks Mr. B.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Pamela and Lady Davers try to deal with Mr. B's rage?

2. When it is confirmed for Lady Davers that Mr. B and Pamela are truly married, Lady Davers reacts negatively. What does this reaction to the news reflect about some aspects of the society in which the novel is set?

3. How does Mr. Andrews feel after Pamela tells him all that has transpired leading to the plans for her marriage?

4. What event occurs at the home of Pamela and Mr. B on the morning after the confrontation between Lady Davers and Pamela?

5. Apart from the gentry and Mr. Andrews, which other person visits Mr. B and Pamela shortly before the wedding?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is irony demonstrated in Mrs. Jewkes reaction to the news that Pamela will soon be her mistress?

2. What is the significance of the author's decision to return Pamela to Bedfordshire for the end of the story?

3. In Section 9, what is revealed about the complications in the changing relationship between Mr. B and Pamela?

4. After Lady Davers reveals the important facts about Mr. B's past and Mr. B orders the chariot and leaves, What events cause a turn in the hostility between the siblings?

5. What events follow the reading of Pamela's papers by Mr. B?

6. Although the anger between Mr. B and his sister has subsided and everything appears to be fine, what lingering concern does Pamela have as a consequence of Lady Davers' outburst?

7. In Section 8, how do the events involving news of a sham marriage and Pamela's departure from Lincolnshire lead to changes in the emotions of both Mr. B and Pamela?

8. In Section 8, how do letters and Pamela's notes play a significant role in the story?

9. In Section 10, how is Mr. Williams returned to the story?

10. As the newly married couple settle down in Bedforshire, how does the author demonstrate Pamela's adjustment to her new way of life?

(see the answer keys)

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