Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the altercation between Mr. B and Lady Davers escalates, what finally causes the reconciliation between them?
(a) Sir Simon appeals to Lady Davers to forgive her brother.
(b) Mrs. Jervis intervenes and guides and encourages Mr. B to forgive his sister.
(c) Sir Simon appeals to Mr. B to forgive his sister.
(d) As he sees the two women reconcile, Mr. B is pleased and salutes them both.

2. How is Pamela treated by the person who accompanies Lady Davers?
(a) She is called terrible names by both of them.
(b) She is attacked by both until she leaves.
(c) She is taunted by both and prevented from leaving.
(d) She is physically attacked by one of them.

3. When Mr. B asks Pamela what she will do if she is unable to interact with other ladies after they are married, how does Pamela respond?
(a) She will sew, knit and cook.
(b) She says she will do accounting and cooking, play cards, read, write and remember her duty to God.
(c) She will do accounting and social work.
(d) She will spend her time with the Church.

4. As Mr. B and Pamela contemplate marriage and continue to discuss details concerning their situation, what does Pamela worry about?
(a) That Mr. B is simply trying another way to destroy her virtue.
(b) That people will be rude to Mr. B for marrying below his station.
(c) That Mr. B might turn against her once more.
(d) That Lady Davers will be hostile to her.

5. As the marriage between Mr. B and Pamela looms and then becomes reality, which character continues to worry that Pamela will treat him / her badly because of past wrongs done to Pamela?
(a) Lady Davers.
(b) Mr. B.
(c) Mrs. Jewkes.
(d) Jonathan.

6. Apart from the gentry and Mr. Andrews, which other person visits Mr. B and Pamela shortly before the wedding?
(a) Mrs. Jervis.
(b) Mr. Williams.
(c) Mr. Jonathan.
(d) The clergyman.

7. How does Pamela react after she overhears the conversation between Mrs. Jewkes and Mr. B?
(a) She is angry with Mrs. Jewkes.
(b) She angrily attacks Mr. B.
(c) She falls to her knees and thanks Mr. B.
(d) She storms out and goes home.

8. Which of the following literary devices is used by the author when he creates a situation in which Mrs. Jewkes is to become Pamela's servant, following Mrs. Jewkes' evil treatment of Pamela?
(a) Sarcasm.
(b) Irony.
(c) Paradox.
(d) Antithesis.

9. Upon hearing that Lady Davers plans to visit, how does Pamela advise Mr. B to respond?
(a) She encourages him to seek the support of his sister.
(b) She urges him to be kind to his sister.
(c) She asks him to keep Lady Davers quiet.
(d) She warns him to keep Lady Davers away from her.

10. How does Mr. Andrews feel after Pamela tells him all that has transpired leading to the plans for her marriage?
(a) He is still hostile to Mr. B.
(b) He is distressed.
(c) He is happy to be reunited with Pamela but he is eager to return to tell his wife.
(d) He is anxious about her safety.

11. As Mrs. Jewkes expresses her fears about how Pamela will treat her after being married to Mr. B, how does Pamela show her virtuous nature towards Mrs. Jewkes?
(a) She promises that she will hold no grudges.
(b) She promises to help her find work elsewhere.
(c) She promises to pray for her.
(d) She promises that they will be friends.

12. After her marriage, how does the author provide humor when Pamela tries to write Mrs. Jervis about her reinstatement?
(a) He refers to Pamela not knowing how to sign her new name.
(b) He makes humorous comments about the gentry.
(c) He makes humorous comments about the servants.
(d) He refers to Mr. B making jokes with Pamela.

13. When Pamela, Mr. B, and Mr. Andrews go out for an airing in the coach, what is the effect of Pamela's appearance on Mr. Andrews?
(a) He is stunned by her apperance.
(b) He reminds her not to be vain.
(c) He is ashamed that he is too poor and his daughter doesn't fit in.
(d) He does not recognize her because she is dressed, but he admires her greatly.

14. Despite the progression of events and discussions leading towards his marriage to Pamela, what lingering concern regarding Mr. Williams does Mr. B express to Pamela?
(a) Mr. Williams might accuse Mr. B of causing his troubles.
(b) She might have done something to encourage his proposal.
(c) She might have damaged her reputation with him.
(d) Mr. Williams might accuse Pamela of causing his troubles.

15. After Lady Davers makes her revelation and Mr. B storms out in anger, what appeal does Lady Davers make to Pamela?
(a) She asks Pamela to be her advocate as she tries to apologize to Mr. B.
(b) She asks Pamela to go away and allow Mr. B to forget this mistake he has made by marrying her.
(c) She asks Pamela to leave Mr. B with Lady Davers so she can try to make amends for her behavior.
(d) She asks Pamela to appeal to Mr. B to forgive her.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Pamela assumes her own responsibilities as mistress of Bedfordshire, what detailed plans does she make to manage one of her own duties?

2. What concern has brought Pamela's father to visit in Section 10?

3. What are the significant aspects of the conversations between Mr. B and the third visitor prior to the marriage between Mr. B and Pamela?

4. When Pamela stops at an inn on her way to her parents' home, she receives a letter from Mr. B. What important information does this letter contain?

5. As Pamela settles down at her home in Bedfordshire and sets up her household, how does she demonstrate her ongoing commitment to her parents?

(see the answer keys)

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