Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the end of Section 7, it is evident that Mr. B has contradictory feelings about Pamela. How does he communicate these feelings to Pamela?
(a) He has already comitted to someone but he cannot do without Pamela.
(b) He praises Pamela but confesses he cannot stand the thought of marriage nor the thought of her marrying another man.
(c) He wants to be with her but his social status forbids this.
(d) He cannot marry her but he loves her.

2. How does Pamela react to the attempts of the ladies to see her at the dinner party?
(a) She hides in a closet.
(b) She hides in Mrs. Jervis' room.
(c) She goes out of the house.
(d) She wears a disguise.

3. In whom does Pamela confide about the incident with Mr. B?
(a) Lady Davers.
(b) Mrs. Jervis.
(c) Jonathan.
(d) Mrs. Jewkes.

4. How does Pamela respond to Mr. B's proposition and the articles contained in it?
(a) She writes rejecting him and asking him to reconsider before ruining her.
(b) She asks for time to consider.
(c) She asks to discuss the matter with her father.
(d) She accepts them but asks for two to be changed.

5. When given the opportunity to apologize for her insolence and continue working, what does Mrs. Jervis do?
(a) She refuses because of Mr. B's treatment of Pamela.
(b) She promises to think about it.
(c) She says she will return after Pamela leaves.
(d) She accepts and apologizes.

6. In Section 3 of the novel when Mr. B agrees to let Pamela go home, what is Pamela's attitude toward Mr. B?
(a) She wishes him well for his mother's sake.
(b) She has mixed feelings about him.
(c) She is determined to take revenge.
(d) She hates him.

7. At the beginning of Section 6, what tragedy befalls Mr. Williams?
(a) He is dismissed from the Church.
(b) Mr. B attacks him for interfering with Pamela.
(c) He is attacked by two rogues and his belongings are stolen.
(d) He is involved in an accident.

8. To whom does Pamela write a letter referring to what Mr. Williams proposes?
(a) Her father.
(b) Mrs. Jewkes.
(c) Mrs. Jervis.
(d) Mr. B.

9. What does Mr. B communicate to the farmer about Pamela?
(a) That she will be met there by Mrs. Jewkes who will go with her to Bedfordshire.
(b) That she must be kept there until her father comes for her.
(c) That she needs to be kept there until Mr. B can join her.
(d) That he means to save her from a dangerous love affair.

10. What is Mr. B's first response to seeing Pamela writing to her parents?
(a) He calls her childish and simple.
(b) He praises her.
(c) He chastises her for neglecting his mother.
(d) He chastises her for neglecting the household duties.

11. After Mr. B decides to send Pamela home, what excuse does he use to delay her departure?
(a) That she must wait for her father to come and take her.
(b) That she must await Jonathan to take her.
(c) That she must wait for Mrs. Jervis to go with her.
(d) That she must finish the waistcoat she has been making for him.

12. What reference to marriage does Mr. B include in the articles that he sets out in his proposition to Pamela?
(a) He will review the possibility of marrying her after two years.
(b) He will marry her after she has a child.
(c) He will marry her after twelve months of cohabitation if her good behavior continues.
(d) There is no reference to marriage

13. How does Mr. B deal with the incident in which Pamela runs to her room and lies on the floor?
(a) He tells Mrs. Jervis to take Pamela to her sleep in her room.
(b) He accuses Pamela of being a liar.
(c) He summons Mrs. Jervis and accuses Pamela of sullying his reputation when his advances were only in jest.
(d) He threatens to dismiss Pamela and Mrs. Jervis.

14. What event results in Pamela's first letter to her parents?
(a) Mr. B's gift.
(b) The loss of Pamela's job.
(c) Mr. B's advances.
(d) The death of Pamela's lady.

15. Having agreed to Pamela's departure from Bedfordshire, what condition does Mr. B impose?
(a) Mrs. Jervis must accompany her.
(b) She must be taken directly home.
(c) No one must accompany her.
(d) Her father should come to take her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the alternative title of the novel?

2. What is Pamela's response to the idea proposed by Mr. Williams?

3. After Mr. B ignores Pamela for some time during his visit to Lincolnshire, what surprising turn of events occurs?

4. By the end of Section 1, Pamela is established as the main character pursuing a goal and Mr. B as the character who is presenting obstacles to her accomplishing her goal. Which of the following pair of words best describes these two roles?

5. In what century was "Pamela" written?

(see the answer keys)

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