Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 6: pages 134-160.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. About what does Mr. B write to Pamela while she is waiting to go home in Section 5?
(a) He tells her he is sorry for his poor behavior.
(b) He writes begging Pamela to see him.
(c) He tells her to be careful of the clergyman.
(d) He tells her to pay attention to the guidance of Mrs. Jewkes.

2. How does Mr. B try to get rid of Pamela after the dinner party?
(a) He threatens to send her to a home for young women.
(b) He threatens to send her home.
(c) He suggests that she should go to work at the church.
(d) He suggests that she should go into service at the home of Lady Danvers.

3. Upon hearing the response of the gentry toward her plight, what does Pamela ask Mr. Williams to do to help her?
(a) To send her letters to her parents and pray for her.
(b) To appeal to Mr. B on her behalf.
(c) To send back her letters.
(d) To pray for her.

4. What is the response of Pamela's parents to her first letter?
(a) They advise her to come home.
(b) They advise her to confide in one of the older servants.
(c) They advise her to confide in Lady Davers.
(d) They warn her to be careful of Mr. B.

5. What reason does Mr. B give for insisting that he must find Pamela a husband?
(a) To provide her with security.
(b) To end his responsibility for her.
(c) She is too pretty to escape the designs of men.
(d) To prevent her from having to work for him.

Short Answer Questions

1. After failing to help Pamela escape, Mr. Williams writes to her introducing a different subject. What is the subject?

2. As Section 3 begins, what is the reaction of Mr. B's dinner party guests to the rumors about Pamela?

3. In a rare outburst, what name does Pamela call Mr. B's ally in making her life difficult?

4. When Mr. B arrives at Lincolnshire and ignores Pamela, what does Pamela worry about?

5. At the end of Section 5, in an effort to save her virtue, what does Pamela write Mr. B about?

(see the answer key)

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