Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Pamela, or, Virtue Rewarded Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 226 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 10: pages 242-274.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Despite the progression of events and discussions leading towards his marriage to Pamela, what lingering concern regarding Mr. Williams does Mr. B express to Pamela?
(a) She might have done something to encourage his proposal.
(b) Mr. Williams might accuse Pamela of causing his troubles.
(c) She might have damaged her reputation with him.
(d) Mr. Williams might accuse Mr. B of causing his troubles.

2. After the dinner party when Mr. B disguises himself, what is Mr. B's response to Mrs. Jervis?
(a) He dismisses her because she threatens to reveal his actions.
(b) He moves her to another estate
(c) He dismisses her because she takes Pamela's side against him.
(d) He dismisses her because she knows too much.

3. What condition does Pamela find Mr. B in when she returns at the end of Section 8?
(a) He is very ill.
(b) He is drunk.
(c) He is distresed and acting in a crazy manner.
(d) He is desperate and depressed.

4. What reference to marriage does Mr. B include in the articles that he sets out in his proposition to Pamela?
(a) He will marry her after twelve months of cohabitation if her good behavior continues.
(b) There is no reference to marriage
(c) He will review the possibility of marrying her after two years.
(d) He will marry her after she has a child.

5. At the beginning of Section 10 when everyone becomes interested in seeing Pamela, which members of the gentry visit Pamela and Mr. B?
(a) Lady Davers. Jackey and the entourage.
(b) Sir Simon's family, Mr. Peters, his wife and niece, and Lady Jones and her sister-in-law .
(c) Mr Coulbrand and Sir Simon.
(d) Lady Jones and her sister-in-law.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the alternative title of the novel?

2. How does Pamela feel towards Mr. B in Section 8 after overhearing Mrs. B and Mrs. Jewkes' conversation?

3. When given the opportunity to apologize for her insolence and continue working, what does Mrs. Jervis do?

4. What are the significant aspects of the conversations between Mr. B and the third visitor prior to the marriage between Mr. B and Pamela?

5. What reason does Mr. B give for insisting that he must find Pamela a husband?

(see the answer key)

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