Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha Test | Final Test - Easy

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Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Paddy when he falls asleep in school after staying up all night?
(a) He has detention.
(b) His parents are called.
(c) He is whipped.
(d) He is taken to the headmaster's office to sleep.

2. What time does Mr. Hennessey tell Paddy he needs to be in bed by?
(a) Half-seven.
(b) Nine.
(c) Half-eight.
(d) Eight.

3. What room in Paddy's house does Paddy question his ma about?
(a) The Living Room.
(b) The Drawing Room.
(c) The Kitchen.
(d) The TV Room.

4. One day the boys are playing in a dump area. What does Paddy step on?
(a) Some glass.
(b) A nail.
(c) A scaffolding joint.
(d) A screw.

5. What name does Paddy call the man who lives in the fields in Barrytown?
(a) Uncle Eddie.
(b) Weirdy Fella.
(c) Mary Rickards.
(d) Martin Conray.

6. What does Paddy wake up to one morning that throws off his routine for the entire day?
(a) A dirty house.
(b) His parents aren't home.
(c) His baby sister is crying.
(d) A fight between his parents.

7. Why does Paddy feel like their da won the first fight Paddy ever listened to his parents have?
(a) His ma left.
(b) His da left.
(c) His da hit his ma.
(d) His ma cried.

8. Which classmate does Paddy want to impress?
(a) Liam.
(b) Charles.
(c) Kevin.
(d) Ian.

9. Paddy and his friends think the rooster is what type of chicken?
(a) The eejit chicken.
(b) The bad chicken.
(c) The king chicken.
(d) The cool chicken.

10. Who does Paddy want to be with after he falls asleep in class?
(a) His da.
(b) Sinbad.
(c) His ma.
(d) Kevin.

11. One day Paddy is playing with his cars in the hallway when he hears a distinct sound for the first time. What is the sound?
(a) His da smacking his ma.
(b) A car horn.
(c) Sinbad crying.
(d) A mouse in the toilet.

12. Why do the boys steal from Cyril the butcher?
(a) To have a picnic.
(b) To stab one of the corporation children.
(c) To save Ian's guinea pig.
(d) For the fun of it.

13. Who scores a goal in the European Cup Final that causes Paddy to run around his house twice?
(a) Pat Crerand.
(b) David Beckham.
(c) Frank McLintock.
(d) George Best.

14. What inanimate object does Paddy feel that Sinbad is?
(a) A statue.
(b) A table.
(c) A pillar.
(d) A chair.

15. How many dogs in the town have their tails docked?
(a) 36.
(b) 27.
(c) 12.
(d) 15.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Paddy falls asleep in class, what food item does Paddy offer Sinbad?

2. What are the two new students' names that are placed in Paddy's class during his second year with Mr. Hennessey?

3. What do Paddy and his friends steal from a store in Raheny?

4. How does Paddy know when his da is going to call someone a 'bloody eejit' when he's watching the news?

5. What word does Paddy repeat to himself over and over when his parents are fighting?

(see the answer keys)

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