Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What illness does Paddy's classmate David Geraghty have?
(a) Polio.
(b) Lice.
(c) Cerebral Palsey.
(d) HIV.

2. What does Paddy call a flashlight?
(a) A torch.
(b) A candle.
(c) A flashlight.
(d) Magic beam.

3. Who is the central character in the story that Paddy says is the best story he ever read?
(a) Father John.
(b) Father Paul.
(c) Father Jospeh.
(d) Father Damien.

4. What does Paddy use to choke Brian Sheridan with while the boys are waiting to have their marks checked?
(a) His jumper.
(b) His belt.
(c) His hands.
(d) A stick.

5. Where does the Clarke family eat their picnic meal?
(a) In a field.
(b) On a picnic table.
(c) In the car.
(d) Under a tree.

6. What does Paddy light between Sinbad's lips?
(a) Lighter fluid.
(b) A candle.
(c) A cigar.
(d) Nothing.

7. What game are Paddy and his friends playing when Liam breaks his teeth?
(a) Grand Day.
(b) Grand Stand.
(c) Grand Prix.
(d) Grand National.

8. What does the fella who went to Africa come back with in his stomach?
(a) Lizards.
(b) Worms.
(c) Maggots.
(d) Flies.

9. What group of priests does Joseph join?
(a) The Opis Dei.
(b) The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
(c) The Congregation of the Blessed.
(d) None.

10. In what era is the novel taking place?
(a) 1970's.
(b) 1960's.
(c) 1980's.
(d) 2000's.

11. Who is the main character of the novel?
(a) James O'Keefe.
(b) Sinbad Clarke.
(c) Paddy Clarke.
(d) Kevin.

12. What does Paddy pour on a slug?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Sugar.
(c) Salt.
(d) Pepper.

13. What type of car does Paddy's father buy?
(a) A Ranger.
(b) A Cortina.
(c) A Cutlass.
(d) A Cavalier.

14. What physical activity that the boys at Paddy's school use to hurt each other is banned by the headmaster?
(a) Indian burning.
(b) Pruning.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Dead legging.

15. Who is always the high priest Zentoga when the boys have a naming ritual on Fridays?
(a) Sinbad.
(b) James.
(c) Kevin.
(d) Paddy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Sinbad's actual first name?

2. In what town do the boys live?

3. What Native American weapon does Paddy make?

4. Which of Paddy's friends does not attend the same school as Paddy?

5. One day Mr. Hennessey reads a story in class. What word from the story baffles Paddy and his friends?

(see the answer keys)

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