I Heard the Owl Call My Name Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Heard the Owl Call My Name Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The young ordinand has less than two years to
(a) LIve without life support.
(b) Live outside the hospital.
(c) Live an active life.
(d) Live away from home.

2. Who has returned to the village after their self-imposed exile?
(a) Jim's relatives.
(b) The Bishop.
(c) Caleb.
(d) Gordon's relatives.

3. Why is Mark Brian going to Alert Bay?
(a) He is going to visit his sister.
(b) He wants to see if he can get Ellie away from her parents.
(c) H wants to see if he can get Keetah away from her white fiance.
(d) He wants to visit Gordon and the boys.

4. What question does Mrs. Hudson ask Mark Brian as her family leaves the village in shame?
(a) What can you do to help us?
(b) What have you done to us?
(c) Why should we forgive you?
(d) Why have you betrayed us?

5. What large item do Mark and Jim have to transport on the boat?
(a) A trunk.
(b) A cardboard box.
(c) A coffin.
(d) An organ.

Short Answer Questions

1. The Bishop reveals that Kingcome is

2. Why does Caleb feel Mark should be sorry for the Indians?

3. How do the Indians respond to Mark Brian's attempts to learn their language?

4. Mark finds himself tending for an orphaned

5. The vicar believes he will have to begin his work by

Short Essay Questions

1. What seems to be the consensus of opinions about Mark Brian among the elders?

2. What seems to be most important to the Bishop regarding the young man and the Indian village?

3. How do most of the Indians behave toward Mark Brian?

4. Why do the villagers offer to help Mark build the vicarage?

5. What causes Gordon's family to sell the tribal mask that has been in their family for so long?

6. What recurring idea or image appears as the author describes the state of the village and the graveyard?

7. Why does Mark agree to help Gordon get an education?

8. What is the significance of Gordon's mask to the tribe?

9. Who speaks at the funeral after Mark Brian is done?

10. While Mark feels he has learned little about the Indians, what does the Bishop tell him?

(see the answer keys)

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