I Heard the Owl Call My Name Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Heard the Owl Call My Name Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During his travels with Jim, the river has always offered Mark
(a) A reason to return to the village.
(b) Another passage way, or a way out.
(c) The chance to go home again.
(d) Another reason to trust the Bishop.

2. Why does the Bishop come back to the village?
(a) To attend the potlatch.
(b) To attend Jim and Keetah's wedding.
(c) To determine whether Mark had served the Indians well.
(d) To confer with Marta and Peter.

3. What tree has been a great "friend" to the Indians?
(a) The elm tree.
(b) The pine tree.
(c) The oak tree.
(d) The cedar tree.

4. Who tells Mark the myth of the hamatsa?
(a) Mrs. Hudson.
(b) Marta.
(c) Caleb.
(d) Peter.

5. The elders stay away when Gordon visits because
(a) He has no interest in any of the villagers.
(b) He plans to ask the tribe for money for his travels.
(c) He plans to call for change among the villagers.
(d) He has no interest in the past.

6. The elders now believe
(a) A new graveyard is necessary.
(b) Their dead will reward Mark Brian.
(c) Mark Brian truly understands their ways.
(d) Their dead can rest in peace.

7. According to the myth, the hamatsa is
(a) A white man.
(b) A cedar tree.
(c) A prostitute.
(d) A cannibal.

8. What is T.P. Wallace's announcement?
(a) His family will give a dance-potlatch in honor of Jim.
(b) His family will give a banquet for Mark Brian.
(c) His family will give a dance-potlatch in honor of Gordon.
(d) His family welcomes their new daughter, Keetah.

9. Marta's prayer for Mark
(a) Echoes the prayer of an Indian for a white man.
(b) Echoes the prayer of a mother for her child.
(c) Echoes the prayer of a woman for her lover.
(d) Echoes the prayers Mark taught her.

10. The Bishop hopes Mark's time in the village has taught him
(a) The cold indifference of nature.
(b) Enough of the meaning of life to be ready to die.
(c) The difference between whites and Indians.
(d) To appreciate the good things life has offered him.

11. Who is found ill, alone in his shack?
(a) Calamity Bill.
(b) Sam.
(c) Jim.
(d) Mark.

12. The woman Keetah had lived with at school
(a) Was afraid of her and treated her badly.
(b) Denied her food and lodging when she arrived.
(c) Was supportive and caring.
(d) Gave her every chance to prove herself in the white world.

13. Who surprises Mark with a visit?
(a) The white tourists.
(b) The Bishop.
(c) Caleb.
(d) Calamity Bill.

14. On the river, Mark stops to help
(a) Two fishermen bringing in their catch.
(b) Two loggers hauling a load of lumber.
(c) Two loggers moving a float camp.
(d) Two tourists stranded on their yacht.

15. When Keetah does not come to see him, Mark decides
(a) He may have mistaken the reason for her return.
(b) She might not want to see him again.
(c) He may not really know the Indians at all.
(d) He might be in love with her.

Short Answer Questions

1. The visitors cause Mark Brian to feel what about the world of the white man he has left behind?

2. The teacher does not attend the funeral because

3. In March, what burden is lifted from the villagers?

4. Though Mark Brian feels he has made friends with loneliness, deprivation, and death, he feels he was constantly supported by

5. Why are the elders concerned about the burial grounds?

(see the answer keys)

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