I Heard the Owl Call My Name Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Heard the Owl Call My Name Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Peter claim causes this new feeling among the villagers?
(a) The young people are changing because they are learning the white man's ways.
(b) The young people are changing because they are not being educated.
(c) The young people are changing because they are afraid of the white man's ways.
(d) The young people are changing because the tribes are intermarrying.

2. Mark asks Jim to show him
(a) The best place to fish for salmon.
(b) The village salmon festival.
(c) The end of the salmon run.
(d) The end of the river.

3. The vicar believes he will have to begin his work by
(a) Trading for what he needs.
(b) Outsmarting the Indians.
(c) Begging for what he needs.
(d) Rolling up his shirtsleeves.

4. Who are Mark Brian's first friends in the village?
(a) Sam and his wife.
(b) Jim Wallace and Chief Eddy.
(c) Marta Stephens and Ellie.
(d) Two children who visit the vicarage.

5. Jim describes his people through several
(a) Pantomimes.
(b) Lengthy historical discussions.
(c) Legends and stories.
(d) Paintings.

6. What do Jim and Mark witness on the river?
(a) They witness a run of salmon.
(b) They witness a lunar eclipse.
(c) They witness a murder.
(d) They witness dolphins swimming to the ocean.

7. What arrived at the village in November?
(a) The hospital ship.
(b) The navy ship.
(c) The army ship.
(d) The government ship.

8. What fact associates Mark Brian with "the swimmer?"
(a) He has a twin sister.
(b) He wants to keep moving up the river.
(c) He loves fishing.
(d) He is an excellent swimmer.

9. Before he travels to the village, Mark Brian
(a) Carefully tends to the boat.
(b) Writes letters to his family.
(c) Reconsiders his decision to live in the village.
(d) Suns himself while waiting for Jim to arrive.

10. The young man will be sent to Kingcome to
(a) Patrol the Indian villages.
(b) Win the Indians trust for political reasons.
(c) Quell any Indian rebellions.
(d) Convert the Indians to Catholicism.

11. What relationship did Mark Brian observe in the hunters of the tribe?
(a) The boss-laborer relationship.
(b) The warrior-to-warrior relationship.
(c) The father-son relationship.
(d) The brotherly relationship.

12. Mark Brian sees himself as
(a) A fearless conqueror.
(b) An interloper on Indian territory.
(c) A brave explorer of a new world.
(d) A guest in the Indians' house.

13. What happens when the vicar prays for help about the decayed vicarage?
(a) He receives a loan from the church.
(b) He receives a letter from the Bishop that same afternoon.
(c) Indians arrive to help him rebuild.
(d) He decides his faith is waning.

14. What question does Mrs. Hudson ask Mark Brian as her family leaves the village in shame?
(a) What can you do to help us?
(b) Why should we forgive you?
(c) Why have you betrayed us?
(d) What have you done to us?

15. What activity contributes to Mark Brian's feeling of responsibility to the Indians?
(a) Delivering gifts to the children in the villages.
(b) Playing the organ in the church.
(c) Repairing the Bishop's boat.
(d) Caring for Calamity Bill.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mark Brian do that captures Jim's attention?

2. What does the vicar discover will take him many hours in a day?

3. The chief teaches Mark Brian to say

4. Whose return to the village has sparked Mark's interest?

5. Who has returned to the village after their self-imposed exile?

(see the answer keys)

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