Over the Edge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Over the Edge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What object is found by Milo and Alex at the beginning of Chapter 26?
(a) Jamey's diary.
(b) Gary's diary.
(c) Peter's diary.
(d) Black Jack Cadmus's diary.

2. Where does Alex go in Chapter 24 in order to meet Jennifer?
(a) UCLA.
(b) ASU.
(c) A diner.
(d) A resturaunt.

3. When Alex and Jennifer research Jamey's condition, what do they think he's been taking?
(a) Donbella.
(b) Belladon.
(c) Bellamy.
(d) Belladonna.

4. What is the name of Gary's neighbor?
(a) David Walker.
(b) Ramona Moore.
(c) Randee Bogdan.
(d) Liz Chandler.

5. How does Alex get Mrs. Vann's address?
(a) Surtees gives it to him.
(b) He gets Milo to use his police contacts.
(c) He pretends to be Mainwaring.
(d) He asks the hospital staff.

6. Who does Mrs. Vann say she was attacked by?
(a) Alex.
(b) Two bikers.
(c) A violent gang.
(d) Jamey.

7. Who got all of Guy's money during his divorce?
(a) Guy's ex-wife.
(b) Guy.
(c) Guy's children.
(d) Guy had no money to take.

8. What is the profession of the person Alex meets at Robin's studio?
(a) Welder.
(b) Rocker.
(c) Sculpture.
(d) Painter.

9. In Chapter 21, who does Alex learn has just been killed?
(a) Surtees.
(b) Billy.
(c) Ernie Radovic.
(d) Vann.

10. What is used to kill Radovic?
(a) Knife.
(b) Gun.
(c) Rope.
(d) Baseball bat.

11. After returning home from his meeting with Milo, who does Alex call?
(a) Skagg.
(b) Dr. Flowers.
(c) Lou.
(d) Jamey.

12. Where does Alex search for Martha Surtees and Mrs. Vann?
(a) Local hospitals and agencies.
(b) In the police crime bulletin.
(c) Local jails.
(d) Their homes.

13. Why does Alex meet Jennifer in Chapter 24?
(a) Jennifer has a theory about Jamey's condition.
(b) Alex enjoys her company.
(c) Jennifer confessed to hurting Jamey.
(d) They have a date at a restaurant.

14. Who does Alex tell first about the death that occurs in Chapter 21?
(a) Robin.
(b) Milo.
(c) Souza.
(d) Jamey.

15. What does Dwight say he is okay with Jamey receiving?
(a) His inheritance.
(b) Medical treatment.
(c) Mental treatment.
(d) His father's diary.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who do the bikers say they work for?

2. Who tells Alex that Peter probably did not commit suicide?

3. Where did Heather Cadmus used to work?

4. What does Alex inform Souza about Jamey after learning the who the real killers in the slasher case are?

5. What does Gary's neighbor inform Alex?

(see the answer keys)

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