Over the Edge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Over the Edge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who hires a separate doctor in order to look after Jamey in jail?
(a) Milo.
(b) Alex.
(c) Souza.
(d) Lou.

2. What does Gary's neighbor inform Alex?
(a) Gary is on vacation.
(b) Gary committed suicide.
(c) Gary moved.
(d) Gary went to the store.

3. Where does Alex search for Martha Surtees and Mrs. Vann?
(a) Local hospitals and agencies.
(b) Local jails.
(c) In the police crime bulletin.
(d) Their homes.

4. Who got all of Guy's money during his divorce?
(a) Guy had no money to take.
(b) Guy.
(c) Guy's ex-wife.
(d) Guy's children.

5. What drug does Gary tell Alex he thinks Jamey is using?
(a) Acid.
(b) Marijuana.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Pain killers.

6. What is the nickname for Bitter Canyon?
(a) White Canyon.
(b) Stone Canyon.
(c) Glass Canyon.
(d) Silver Canyon.

7. Who does Mrs. Vann say she was attacked by?
(a) Alex.
(b) Jamey.
(c) Two bikers.
(d) A violent gang.

8. Who is Black Jack Cadmus in relation to Jamey?
(a) His father.
(b) His uncle.
(c) His grandfather.
(d) His cousin.

9. Who does Milo tell Alex is involved in a deal gone wrong?
(a) Two bikers.
(b) Dwight.
(c) Jamey.
(d) The prostitute found dead at the Digby Chancellor's house.

10. Why does Alex meet Milo at the beginning of Chapter 22?
(a) To discuss Radovic's murder and Jamey's case.
(b) The hospitals treatment of Jamey.
(c) To discuss Souza's thoughts on Jamey.
(d) The jails treatment of Jamey.

11. What does Gary's neighbor describe Gary as?
(a) An instigator.
(b) A wacko.
(c) A nihilist.
(d) A jerk.

12. How much is Mrs. Vann paid the night of Jamey's disappearance?
(a) 1 million dollars.
(b) 5 thousand dollars.
(c) 5 million dollars.
(d) 1 thousand dollars.

13. Who does Alex refuse to give information to about Bitter Canyon?
(a) Souza.
(b) Lou.
(c) Milo.
(d) Jamey.

14. Who calls Heather concerning information on Jamey's case?
(a) Dwight.
(b) Mainwaring.
(c) Alex.
(d) Souza.

15. What does Milo say he will do if Angela and Guy cooperate with the investigation?
(a) Let them off the hook.
(b) Keep quiet.
(c) Turn them in no matter what.
(d) Help them during their trials.

Short Answer Questions

1. What object is found by Milo and Alex at the beginning of Chapter 26?

2. Who does Alex run into after meeting Gary's neighbor?

3. What is Guy questioned about by Milo, Alex and the police?

4. Where are two bikers said to have been seen in Chapter 21?

5. Who does Souza say he will call to learn more about Jamey's condition?

(see the answer keys)

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