Over the Edge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Over the Edge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Mainwaring end the meeting between Alex and himself?
(a) He believes he is being thought of as a murder suspect.
(b) He doesn't think Alex is helpful.
(c) He has another meeting to attend.
(d) He feels he's being interrogated.

2. With whom does Souza set up a meeting in Chapter 15?
(a) Dwight.
(b) Heather Cadmus.
(c) Alex.
(d) Milo.

3. What does Alex want to visit in Chapter 11?
(a) Dwight's office.
(b) The crime scene of Jamey's arrest.
(c) Souza's office.
(d) Jamey's house.

4. What time does the phone call from Jamey occur at the beginning of the story?
(a) Middle of the night.
(b) Morning.
(c) Afternoon.
(d) Early evening.

5. Where is Alex when he receives a phone call at the beginning of the story?
(a) Pool.
(b) Bed.
(c) Restaurant.
(d) Shower.

6. What is Jamey Cadmus's relationship with Alex?
(a) Former patient.
(b) Cousin.
(c) Nephew.
(d) Present student.

7. What does Jennifer say schizophrenics do not perform?
(a) Excitement.
(b) Lack of enthusiam.
(c) Serial murders.
(d) Mumbled speech.

8. What is Milo's profession?
(a) Volunteer nurse.
(b) Security Guard.
(c) Policeman.
(d) Therapist.

9. Where does Milo tell Alex to meet him after arresting Ernie?
(a) Golden Sun Bar.
(b) Golden Eagle Bar.
(c) The Eagle Bar.
(d) Gold Crossings Bar.

10. What does Souza question Alex about Jamey?
(a) If Jamey killed Digby.
(b) If Jamey get out of jail.
(c) If Jamey's on drugs.
(d) If Alex think Jamey will die.

11. What is Jamey said to have been seen doing when in Dr. Flowers's program?
(a) Taking drugs.
(b) Talking to himself.
(c) Ripping his clothing.
(d) Picking his nose.

12. What is Horace Souza's profession?
(a) Psychologist.
(b) Lawyer.
(c) Policeman.
(d) Medical doctor.

13. What does Alex believe may be wrong with Jamey?
(a) Bipolar Disorder.
(b) Season Effective Disorder.
(c) Schizophrenia.
(d) Depression.

14. Why does Heather not tell Dwight that Jamey is a homosexual?
(a) Dwight won't believe her.
(b) She forgot.
(c) She's scared of Dwight.
(d) He can't handle it.

15. Where does Alex go in Chapter 10 in order to learn more about Jamey's mental state?
(a) The jail.
(b) Biomedical library.
(c) Dr. Flower's office.
(d) Jamey's uncle's house.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is sent to pick up Alex by orders of Horace Souza?

2. What does Horace Souza inform Alex about Jamey's mental state?

3. What is Jamey holding when he is found at the murder scene of Digby Chancellor and a male prostitute?

4. Who is mentally ill in Jamey's family?

5. Who does Dr. Flower's organize a meeting with for Alex?

(see the answer keys)

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