Out of the Silent Planet Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Out of the Silent Planet Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Ransom feel as Oyarsa approaches?
(a) Calm and peaceful
(b) His fingers begin to tingle and he feels weak
(c) Happy and energetic
(d) Dizzy and unstable

2. What does Ransom find in the cavern he enters?
(a) Walls covered in gold
(b) A bear like creature, fast asleep
(c) Bones of animals
(d) A sorn

3. What did the Osarya prophesied to Ransom?
(a) That Ransom will become a great world leader on earth
(b) That contact with Thulcandra will be open again soon, and they may meet again one day
(c) That Ransom will meet the woman he marries when he returns
(d) That Ransom will live to be 110 years old

4. What feeling is Ransom fighting as he leaves Hyoi's boat?
(a) Feeling so desolate over Hyoi's death that he is unable to function
(b) Laying down and going to sleep
(c) Giving himself up to Weston and Devine
(d) Returning to the hross village instead of going to the mountains

5. What does Ransom do after Hyoi dies?
(a) He leaves the boat and runs away
(b) He sets off for the mountains to go to Osaya
(c) He apologizes to the other hross and weeps
(d) He finds Weston and kills him

6. What does the sorn look like?
(a) A human male
(b) Very short, like a dwarf with a large, thick nose
(c) Elongated features, small eyes and is covered with a light-colored feathery coat
(d) Heavy, with three arms and blue eyes

7. When Weston talks of humanity, what does the Oyarsa do?
(a) Tells Weston that his ideas are insane
(b) Scorns humans as being animals
(c) Tells Weston that he is not human for killing the hross
(d) Challenges Weston's notion of what humanity really means

8. Who takes over the telling of the story in Chapter 22?
(a) The Osarya of Malacandra
(b) One of the eldil
(c) The narrator
(d) Weston

9. What does the Oyarsa say gives the Malacandrians peace?
(a) The Malacandrians do not fear death
(b) That there is no war on Malacandra
(c) That all three races cooperate
(d) That their planet is ruled by the Osarya

10. What does Oyarsa say of the history of earth?
(a) That earth and Malacandra used to share a religion
(b) Thulcandra once had an Oyarsa, but he turned bad. He devastated the Earth's moon and brought extinction to the creatures of Malacandra
(c) That earth was dying and so their Oyarsa left
(d) That earth lost its Oyarsa because humans were bad

11. Where can the eldil go?
(a) They are able to move through time and space
(b) They cannot go more than a few miles from water
(c) They can only go a certain distance from Oyarsa
(d) They can't go anywhere if it's cloudy

12. What subjects about earth interest the sorns?
(a) They as about computers and electricity
(b) They want to know about the different types of animals
(c) They question Ransom at great length about the Earth and its geology, life forms, politics and history
(d) They want to know what kind of food we grow

13. What is the name of the sorn Ransom meets in the cave?
(a) Tregan
(b) Nigerin
(c) Augray
(d) Hasdor

14. Why have they decided to present the story as fiction?
(a) Because Ransom himself is not sure it really happened
(b) So that more people will read it
(c) To plant the seed in the minds of its readers of the reality of the forces at work
(d) Because publishers won't look at it if they claim it's true

15. What about earth amazes the sorns the most?
(a) His talk of money and banking
(b) The fact that earth has no Oyarsa
(c) Ransom's description of war, slavery and other parts of human history astonish the sorns
(d) Ransom's description of big cities, like London

Short Answer Questions

1. After Weston and Devine are taken from Oyarsa 's presence what happens to Ransom?

2. How does Ransom feel after he helps kill the hnakra?

3. What does Ransom imagine Oyarsa to be?

4. What reason does Augray give for not going to Oyarsa 's island with Ransom?

5. What does Oyarsa say the "bent one" on earth has done?

(see the answer keys)

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