Out of the Silent Planet Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Out of the Silent Planet Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Ransom escape from the water?
(a) the black creature manages to grab both Weston and Devine
(b) the black creature pulls Devine under and Weston is distracted shooting at the animal
(c) the sorns throw rocks at Weston and Devine and Ransom runs away
(d) Devine can't swim and Weston takes his gun off Ransom while rescuing Devine

2. What is on the other side of the wall?
(a) Another house with lights on
(b) A herd of cattle
(c) Darkness and some strange creatures
(d) Mountains

3. What bothers Ransom about describing earth to the hross?
(c) Comparing the violence and warfare of earth to this peaceful planet

4. The core of the ship is:
(a) solid metal
(b) made of molten lava
(c) contains argon and helium
(d) hollow

5. Ransom plans to use the pilfered object(s) to:
(a) be ready to camp out on the planet when they land
(b) have a way of surviving alone for a week
(c) kill himself if necessary
(d) have tea alone in his room

6. Ransom's new vitality is:
(a) because of his elation at finally being in space
(b) due to being so near the sun's rays
(c) because Devine has given him daily doses of concentrated vitamins
(d) because of the healthy food

7. How does Ransom feel when Weston and Devine open the manhole?
(a) Frightened at the thought of leaving the ship
(b) Excited to be on a far away planet
(c) Impatient to get out and see the planet
(d) Homesick for earth

8. When Weston confirms that Ransom is on a spaceship, Ransom is overcome with:
(a) anger
(b) fear
(c) elation
(d) forboding

9. The shape of the ship, as Weston explains, is:
(a) hexangonal
(b) a sphere
(c) cylindrical
(d) square

10. What is all over the ground on the planet?
(a) A pinkish foliage
(b) Black moss
(c) Green slime
(d) Red and gold leaves

11. What does the shifting gravity do to the ship?
(a) Makes Ransom feel like his bones are breaking
(b) Makes the ship seem smaller
(c) Makes the men much heavier
(d) Turns walls into floors and floor into ceilings

12. What does the sky on Malacandra look like when they embark?
(a) Black; it is night
(b) Gray and cloudy
(c) Pale blue with distant pink clouds
(d) Has a green tint and yellow clouds

13. Ransom's dream mentioned in question #16 foreshadows:
(a) his becoming addicted to the drugs Devine gives him
(b) his eventual trip to Malacandra
(c) his desire to meet men from Mars
(d) his death at an early age

14. When Weston walks into Ransom's room, Weston is:
(a) crying
(b) nude
(c) apologetic
(d) mean

15. Because the moon looks so strange to Ransom, what does he think?
(a) He thinks it must be a harvest moon
(b) He thinks he's asleep and dreaming
(c) He wonders if the drug he was given in his drink has affected his vision
(d) He thinks Weston must have hypnotized him

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Ransom think about suicide?

2. What does Ransom pilfer from the galley?

3. What is an eldil?

4. Ransom is a professor of:

5. Devine leaves Ransom supposedly to go into the kitchen to get what?

(see the answer keys)

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