Our Mutual Friend Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Our Mutual Friend Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the teacher in love with Bradley Headstone in Book 2, Chapter 11?
(a) Lizzie Hexam.
(b) Mrs. Lammle.
(c) Miss Peecher.
(d) Georgiania Podshap.

2. Who comes to the Boffins' house to teach Mr. Boffin how to read?
(a) Silas.
(b) Lizzie.
(c) John.
(d) Bella.

3. Who are the Veneerings friends with?
(a) Melvin Twemlow.
(b) Mortimer Lightwood.
(c) Jessie Hexam.
(d) Lizzie Hexam.

4. What does the lawyer talk about?
(a) A divorce from his wife.
(b) A court injunction against his son.
(c) A rich son and his inheritance.
(d) A lawsuit by the poor.

5. In Book 1, Chapter 10, where are wedding preparations underway?
(a) Georgiana residence.
(b) Lammle lake.
(c) Harmon villa.
(d) Veneering mansion.

6. In Book 2, Chapter 12, who does Rogue go to live with?
(a) Jessie.
(b) Gaffer.
(c) Pleasant.
(d) George.

7. In Book 1, Chapter 14, who does Eugene find dead?
(a) Gaffer.
(b) Mortimer.
(c) Mr. Boffin.
(d) Jessie.

8. Who is paying for Lizzie's education?
(a) Eugene.
(b) Alfred.
(c) Mortimer.
(d) Jessie.

9. For whom does Rokesmith try to arrange schooling in Book 2, Chapter 14?
(a) Wegg.
(b) Sloopy.
(c) Boffin.
(d) Wigham.

10. What does Eugene Wrayburn offer Lizzie?
(a) A new set of clothes.
(b) A house of her own.
(c) A marriage proposal.
(d) An education at her boardinghouse.

11. What does Jessie say has given his livelihood?
(a) The river.
(b) The bank manager.
(c) His father.
(d) The town.

12. Who does Charley think would make a better teacher for Lizzie?
(a) Bradley Headstone.
(b) Lizzie Hexam.
(c) Mortimer Lightwood.
(d) Alfred Lammle.

13. What do Alfred and his new wife discover soon after their marriage about each other?
(a) They are both illegitimate.
(b) They are both wealthy.
(c) They are both divorced.
(d) They are both not wealthy.

14. What is the name of the little orphan that the Boffins are going to adopt?
(a) Margaret.
(b) Grace.
(c) Carter.
(d) Johnny.

15. What happens to Rokesmith at Rogue's residence?
(a) He falls asleep and wakes up to find himself stranded on an island.
(b) He gets into a bloody brawl leaving with a black eye.
(c) He is kidnapped by pirates and thrown into a bucket of spuds.
(d) He is drugged, knocked out and thrown into the water.

Short Answer Questions

1. What plans does Mr. Venus discuss with Boffin's guest in Book 2, Chapter 7?

2. Who is Jenny Wren?

3. Who has decided to complete his studies in Book 2, Chapter 1?

4. Who does not appear to approve of Bradley Headstone at the school?

5. Who do the Boffins decide to take under their care?

(see the answer keys)

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