Our Fathers Test | Final Test - Medium

Andrew O'Hagan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Our Fathers Test | Final Test - Medium

Andrew O'Hagan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who harasses Jamie while at the club?
(a) A bartender.
(b) A drunken journalist.
(c) A drunken patron.
(d) His mother's husband.

2. What does Jamie note about Gran's friends?
(a) They are in nursing homes.
(b) They all work part time.
(c) They are all widowed.
(d) None of them is still alive.

3. What seems to be the only part of Granda which has not changed?
(a) His memory.
(b) His sense of humor.
(c) His shock of red hair.
(d) His bright eyes.

4. What does Jamie's generation feel the need to do while also tearing down old buildings?
(a) Criticize the construction.
(b) Implement plans for parking garages.
(c) Generate PR about it.
(d) Notify the architects.

5. Which of the following does NOT describe Granda's behavior with Jamie?
(a) Coughing.
(b) Cursing.
(c) Ill-tempered.
(d) Joyful.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Jamie's girlfriend live?

2. Which of the following does Jamie NOT do with Gran?

3. What is Jamie's mother doing with her friends when he finds her?

4. Why is Jamie happy to meet Bob?

5. Which of the following is NOT a place Jamie takes Granda in a wheelchair?

Short Essay Questions

1. What parallels the destruction of Granda Hugh's buildings?

2. How does the priest's eulogy somehow seem to calm Gran Margie?

3. What are some of the things that Jamie loves about his girlfriend, Karen?

4. What is Jamie's mother's condition when he meets her?

5. What emotional event does Jamie witness regarding Granda Hugh's work?

6. How does Granda Hugh put up a front regarding his physical state and the work he knows he will never accomplish?

7. What is especially troubling to Jamie about Granda Hugh's story about John MacLean?

8. What is Jamie's overall opinion of the afternoon spent with his mother?

9. What do Jamie and Karen talk about when he calls her from a phone booth?

10. What is the nature of the drunken journalist's derogatory comments directed at Jamie?

(see the answer keys)

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