Orthodoxy Test | Final Test - Hard

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Orthodoxy Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the evil of the pessimist? (Chesterton 2000, pg. 226)

2. Why does Chesterton say that miracles are eminently desirable?

3. What is Pimlico?

4. According to Chesterton, how did men gain morality?

5. What reason does Chesterton give for the idea that love craves personality?

Short Essay Questions

1. As Chesterton argues, why does love seek individuality and personality? Is this true only in relation to man or also in relation to God?

2. How do Eastern and Western religions differ in their understanding of seclusion in worship, according to Chesterton? How does this affect their sense of community?

3. What nearly persuaded Chesterton to become a Christian? Why was this thought frightening?

4. What is the common view of Christianity and Buddhism, according to Chesterton? How are they similar and dissimilar? What is Chesterton's opinion of their differences?

5. As Chesterton shows in Chapter VI, The Paradoxes of Christianity, what is Christianity's view of man? How can it hold to this argument?

6. Why did Chesterton begin to question the attacks on Christianity? What did he find as he questioned?

7. The Church holds to some strict doctrines regarding man and his actions. Why is she so strict? Is it possible for her to swerve in her beliefs?

8. How does Chesterton explain the modern view of miracles? Is this view contradictory?

9. What argument does Chesterton make for keeping joy and anger separate? What is the danger in letting them meld together to produce some form of contentment?

10. What are the pagan and Christian view of virtue? What is Chesterton's view of them?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

What reasons does Chesterton give for saying that fairy land is the land of common sense? What are his comparisons to rationalism and religion? How far can this argument go? In other words, do common sense and fairy land do have a meaningful interaction?

Essay Topic 2

Why is solemnity more natural to man than laughter is? How is this related to Chesterton's claim that man is fundamentally joyful?

Essay Topic 3

What is the mindset of the madman? How does it differ from a sane man and how is it similar to a materialist? What is Chesterton's answer to this mindset? Does this answer take into account all aspects of the mindset?

(see the answer keys)

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